(a)   The owner of any single family or two-family structure that is located in any zoning district that permits the construction and occupancy of single or two-family residences may install a deduct meter, as defined in Section 913.02(c), that measures water used exclusively for lawn and landscaping purposes on the premises.
   (b)   An owner of a single family or two-family lot that intends to install a deduct meter for the use specified in Section 913.04(a) shall, prior to the installation, file a completed application for the installation of a deduct meter with the City of Willoughby (City), which application shall contain the following information:
      (1)   A building floor plan showing the location of the water meter and the proposed deduct meter;
      (2)   A plumbing schematic showing the deduct meter and all equipment used for sprinkling purposes.
      (3)   Interior plumbing alterations shall comply with the Ohio Plumbing Code. Plumbing permits shall be obtained from the Willoughby Building Department by registered contractors.
      (4)   All deduct meters shall conform to the regulations of the Lake County Department of Utilities (LCDU) including calibration and electronic ready devices.
   (c)   Costs for the deduct meters and installation shall be paid by the owner. Meters shall be purchased from LCDU.
   (d)   Any modification or change of the deduct meter system shall be approved by the City. Failure to comply with this section could result in the termination of the deduction to the location until the modification or use of the deduct meter is approved by the City.
   (e)   Deduct meters shall be subject to inspection by a representative of the LCDU or City at any reasonable time.
   (f)   The installation of the deduct meter system shall be inspected by the LCDU and City and shall be in accordance with accepted plumbing standards. The owner, at owner’s cost, shall have the installation inspected and certified for compliance by a licensed plumber after installation and once a year thereafter. Failure to meet the annual certification requirement shall result in the termination of the Sanitary Sewer Deduct Permit and the sewer use fee being charged upon all water consumed. (Ord. 2013-15. Passed 2-5-13.)