(a)    Upon receipt of an original application for a junk dealer's or scrap processor’s license the Board shall consider the application at a public meeting which shall be held within thirty days of the date of the receipt of the application. The Secretary of the Board shall notify the applicant, in writing, of the date, time, and place of the public meeting. The applicant may appear at the public meeting and speak on his own behalf or through an attorney. No public meeting shall be necessary if the application is denied pursuant to Section 739.07(d). In the event the application is denied pursuant to Section 739.07(d), the Secretary of the Board shall notify the applicant that its application is being denied pursuant to Section 739.07(d) of this chapter within thirty days of the date of the receipt of the application.
   (b)    The Chairman of the Board shall furnish copies of the same to the other members of the Board and shall cause an investigation to be made of the applicant's business responsibility. The investigation shall include an inspection of the proposed or existing premises of business for which a license is required.
   (c)    The Board shall consider comments received at the public meeting along with the results of the investigation conducted by the Director of Public Safety and shall approve or disapprove the application within thirty days of the public meeting. No license shall be issued under this section unless:
(1)    The Director of Public Safety finds that the applicant's business responsibility is satisfactory, and that all agents, partners, directors, officers of the applicant, if any, who will take part in the operation of such business are capable of operating the business in a manner consistent with public health, safety and good morals, and only if he finds that the proposed or existing premises and equipment conform to the requirements of this chapter and all applicable laws and ordinances.
(2)    The Building and Zoning Inspector shall approve the application only if he finds that any proposed or existing building or equipment with which the junk yard or scrap yard is being or is to be operated conform to the requirements of the Building Code and the requirements of this chapter.
(3)    The Fire Chief shall approve the application only if he finds that the proposed or existing premises and equipment conform to the requirements of this chapter and all applicable fire prevention laws.
   (d)    Within thirty days from the public meeting, the Board shall give written notice to the applicant whether its application has been approved or denied. If approved, the Board shall issue the applicable license within the ten days of the date of the notice, provided the applicant submits the required fee pursuant to Section 739.08 and otherwise has complied with this chapter. If the application is denied, the Board shall, upon request, issue a brief statement of the grounds upon which the application was denied.
   (e)    Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to supersede any zoning or building ordinance or requirement. A license issued under this section shall bear the following language on its face: "IMPORTANT: This license applies only to the premises indicated herein and authorizes the licensee to operate a junk yard or scrap yard in a lawful place and manner only; it is not a substitute for any certificate of occupancy, building permit or other certificate or permit that might be required by law of the licensee and it does not relieve the licensee of the responsibility to have all such required permits or certificates at all times and comply with all laws affecting the above-described business."
(Ord. 1999-21. Passed 1-19-99.)