   (EDITOR’S NOTE: Ordinance 2022-57, passed May 17, 2022, opts out of H.B. 172 and reaffirms the ban on discharging, igniting or exploding fireworks in the City, as set forth in Chapter 550.)
550.01   Definitions.
550.02   Possession, sale or discharge prohibited.
550.03   Exceptions.
550.99   Penalty.
See sectional histories for similar state law.
Fireworks defined - see Ohio R.C. 3743.01
Manufacturers to comply with building and zoning ordinances - see Ohio R.C. 3743.06(F)
Wholesalers to comply with building and zoning ordinances - see Ohio R.C. 3743.19(G)
Arrests, seizure of fireworks by certified fire safety inspector - see Ohio R.C. 3743.68
Exceptions - see Ohio R.C. 3743.80
Conflict of Fire Marshal's rules with rules of Ohio Board of Building Standards - see Ohio R.C. 3781.11(D)