The following protective measures against disease occurring in livestock, fowl and rabbits shall be provided:
   (A)   Horses. All horses imported into the city limits must have negative test results for Equine infectious anemia. A copy of the Coggins test must be available upon request by the city.
   (B)   Cattle. All cattle maintained within the city limits must be tested for tuberculosis and bangs disease, and test reports must be available upon request by the city.
   (C)   Chickens, fowl, rabbits and pigeons. Caution shall be taken for extreme cleanliness of all fowl yards, rabbit hutches and pigeon lofts, to control and reduce insects and lice which may infest the skin. All houses, roosts, nests and hutches must be treated weekly with an approved germicide in the form of a spray and powder. Care shall be taken to see that all cracks and crevices are thoroughly treated. Infection shall be brought to the immediate attention of the Animal Control Officer so that protective measures can be employed.
(Ord. 12-1218C, passed 12-18-2012) Penalty, see § 90.999