The applicant (person or organization) shall provide the following information:
   (A)   Name of applicant.
   (B)   Number of peddler licenses required.
   (C)   The name, physical description and photograph of each person for which a card is requested. In lieu of this information, a driver's license, state identification card, passport, or other government-issued identification card (issued by a government within the United States) containing this information may be provided, and a photocopy taken. If a photograph is not supplied, the city will take an instant photograph of each person for which a card is requested at the application site. The actual cost of the instant photograph will be paid by the applicant.
   (D)   The permanent and (if any) local address of the applicant.
   (E)   The permanent and (if any) local address of each person for whom a license is requested.
   (F)   A brief description of the proposed activity related to this peddler license. (Copies of literature to be distributed may be substituted for this description at the option of the applicant.)
   (G)   Date and place of birth for each person for whom a card is requested.
   (H)   A list of all infractions, offenses, misdemeanor and felony convictions of each person for whom a license is requested for the seven years immediately prior to the application.
   (I)   The motor vehicle make, model, year, color, and state license plate number of any vehicle which will be used by each person for whom a card is requested.
   (J)   If a license is requested for a peddler:
      (1)   The name and permanent address of the business offering the event, activity, good or service (i.e., the peddler's principal);
      (2)   A copy of the principal's sales tax license as issued by the State of Texas, provided that no copy of a license shall be required of any business which appears on the city's annual report of sales tax payees as provided by the Texas Comptroller's office;
      (3)   The location where books and records are kept of sales which occur within the city and which are available for city inspection to determine that all city sales taxes have been paid.
   (K)   If a license is requested for a solicitor:
      (1)   The name and permanent address of the organization, person, or group for whom donations (or proceeds) are accepted;
      (2)   The web address for this organization, person, or group (or other address) where residents having subsequent questions can go for more information.
   (L)   If a license is requested of a mobile food unit which sells prepared, prepackaged, uncooked food, or cooked food:
      (1)   The mobile food unit must obtain and display a food service permit as required by the Montgomery County Environmental Health Services;
      (2)   The mobile food unit must provide evidence of a minimum of $100,000 of general liability insurance coverage; and
      (3)   The mobile food unit must provide the state sales tax number with a copy of the sales tax receipt.
   (M)   For a peddler, hawker, itinerant vendor, transient dealer, solicitor, farmers market, or arts and crafts festival: $1,000 cash bond or proof of a $1,000 bond by a reputable bonding company.
   (N)   For a hawker, itinerant vendor, transient dealer, solicitor, farmers market, or arts and crafts festival, where the activities are to occur on property not owned by the applicant, written permission from the owner or agent of the property on which the activities are to be conducted, including the name, address, phone number, alternate phone number, fax number, and email address of that person, and the dates or date range for which the owner or agent has given permission.
   (O)   If the license is for a farmers market:
      (1)   The name, address, phone number, fax number, email address, and copy of state or federal identification document of the applicant;
      (2)   The name, address, phone number, fax number, email address, and copy of state or federal identification document of the market manager;
      (3)   The names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of the farmers market council or governing board;
      (4)   Documents establishing that the farmers market is a nonprofit organization;
      (5)   Documentation of the farmers market's by-laws;
      (6)   Location, and dates and hours of operation to not exceed more than four nonconsecutive dates per month and lasting no longer than eight hours per day;
      (7)   Location where records regarding the farmers market may be inspected by government officials tasked with regulatory functions;
      (8)   An acknowledgment of acceptance of the conditions for issuance of the license, which includes the following:
         (a)   Vendors will be approved and supervised by the farmers market manager;
         (b)   Vendors will have valid licenses and permits, and those required to collect sales tax will display valid tax certificates;
         (c)   The farmers market manager will maintain a list of approved vendors, including information regarding licenses and permits, to be maintained for each day the market is in operation, and available for inspection at all times;
         (d)   The farmers market manager will ensure trash is handled appropriately to prevent an unsightly condition;
         (e)   The farmers market manager will ensure that sufficient parking and restroom facilities are available for customers and vendors; and
         (f)   At least 50% of the vendors on a farmers market day will sell food products.
   (P)   If the license is for an arts and crafts festival or fair:
      (1)   The name, address, phone number, fax number, email address, and copy of state or federal identification document of the applicant/organizer;
      (2)   Documentation of the organizer's participation rules;
      (3)   Location, and dates and hours of operation to not exceed more than four events per year and lasting no longer than two days per event;
      (4)   Location where records regarding the arts and craft festival may be inspected by government officials tasked with regulatory functions;
      (5)   An acknowledgment of acceptance of the conditions for issuance of the license, which includes the following:
         (a)   Vendors will be approved and supervised by the organizer;
         (b)   Vendors will have valid licenses and permits, and those required to collect sales tax will display valid tax certificates;
         (c)   The organizer will maintain a list of approved vendors, including information regarding licenses and permits, to be maintained for each day the festival is in operation, and available for inspection at all times;
         (d)   The organizer will ensure trash is handled appropriately to prevent an unsightly condition;
         (e)   The organizer will ensure that sufficient parking and restroom facilities are available for customers and vendors.
   (Q)   Any other information the applicant wishes to provide, perhaps including copies of literature to be distributed, references to other municipalities where similar activities have occurred, etc.
(Ord. 15-1117B, passed 11-17-2015; Ord. 22-0322A, passed 3-22-2022)