(A)   It shall be unlawful to establish, maintain, or operate a manufactured home park without first securing a manufactured home park license. All manufactured home parks in existence upon the effective date of this chapter shall comply fully with the requirements of this chapter, except where grandfathered by this chapter.
   (B)   Licenses shall be valid for a period of one year beginning on the date the license is approved, and shall be renewable annually thereafter on the anniversary date. A nonrefundable license application fee shall accompany each application for a license and license renewal. The city shall determine the license and annual license renewal fees. The amount of these fees shall be set out in a separate fee schedule.
   (C)   To receive a license renewal, the manufactured home park operator must provide a park plat or map and a park inventory to the city in a format approved by the city at the time the annual permit fee is renewed each year.
      (1)   The plat or map of the park must show the number, location, and size of all manufactured home spaces, sites, locations, and widths of roadways and walkways, service buildings, and other proposed structures.
      (2)   This inventory shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following information about each manufactured home or recreation vehicle: owner's name and address, size, manufacturer, move-in date, and current condition.
   (D)   A license may not be renewed if the manufactured home park operator does not correct violations of this chapter cited by the Building Official.
      (1)   As directed by the Building Official, a period of up to 90 days shall be allowed to correct the noted violations.
      (2)   After that time, the Building Official, after reasonable notice to the operator, may suspend or revoke the park license if the violations have not been corrected, and the operator shall be forced to close the manufactured home park.
(Ord. 06-0321, passed 3-21-2006) Penalty, see § 151.99