(A)   The Animal Control Officer shall seize the subject dangerous dog according to a warrant or shall order the seizure and shall accept the animal into custody when delivered by the owner.
   (B)   The Animal Control Officer shall provide for impoundment of the subject dog in a secure and humane manner until the Court orders the disposition of the subject dog. The Animal Control Officer may accept proof of impoundment from a licensed veterinarian if the proof and impoundment are satisfactory to the Animal Control Officer.
   (C)   The owner shall pay any costs and fees incurred by the city related to the seizure, impoundment, and destruction of a dangerous dog.
   (D)   The Court shall order the Animal Control Officer to humanely destroy the dangerous dog if the owner of the dog has not been located within ten calendar days after the seizure and impoundment of the animal and if no other statute or ordinance has allowed or required the dog's earlier destruction.
   (E)   The Court shall order the Animal Control Officer to humanely destroy a dangerous dog that can no longer be returned to its owner under this chapter.
   (F)   If impoundment of a dangerous dog is being attempted away from the premises of the owner and the impoundment cannot be made with safety, the dog may be destroyed without notice to the owner or harborer. If an attempt is made to impound a dangerous dog from the premises of the owner or harborer and the impoundment cannot be made with safety, the owner or harborer will be given 24-hours' notice that if the animal is not surrendered to the Animal Control Officer within the 24-hour period, then the dog will be destroyed wherever it is found. After this notice, the dangerous dog may be destroyed during an attempt to impound if impoundment cannot be made with safety, wherever the impoundment is attempted. Notice under this section shall be in writing. A written notice left at the entrance to the premise where the dangerous animal is harbored will be considered valid notice as of the date and time of posting. In lieu of surrendering the dog to the Animal Control Officer, an owner may permanently remove the dog from the city, if written proof of destination is provided to the Animal Control Officer and transport is made in compliance with this chapter.
(Ord. 09-1013, passed 10-13-2009)