(A)   Conventional subdivision developments. When a proposed land development encompasses all of a tract, or a portion of a tract later to be subdivided in its entirety, a preliminary plan and supporting documents of the entire tract shall be prepared and submitted for approval. The plan shall delineate the necessary characteristics of the tract, both existing and proposed, in conformance with the requirements specified in this section, and shall be considered to be a specific guide for the development of the affected area. The plan and supporting documents shall become operative upon approval by the Council.
   (B)   Plan drawing exhibit(s). The preliminary plan drawing shall show all necessary physical locations, identifications, elevations, and general dimensions of all applicable existing and proposed on-site and contiguous off-site physical features identified herein. It shall be the responsibility of the Applicant to fully comply with these requirements and to so certify in writing. Where the complexity of existing and proposed information, required to be shown on the plan, as outlined in this division (B), could or would cause confusion in the proper evaluation thereof by the city, the plan data may be shown on two separate drawings at the same scale. Drawing No. 1 shall show the information required in divisions (B)(1), (B)(2), and (B)(3) below, and Drawing No. 2 shall show that information required in divisions (B)(1), (B)(2)(i), and (B)(4) below. The Applicant shall exercise proper discretion as whether or not to combine or separate the required preliminary plan drawing information, keeping in mind the purpose of clarity and completeness thereof.
      (1)   Base information.
         (a)   Graphic scale of drawing at one inch equals 100 feet (or other scale as previously approved in accordance with § 154.20 (A)(3));
         (b)   North point (located adjacent to the graphic scale);
         (c)   Key map showing (at a small scale) the geographic location of the subdivision with respect to its overall position and relationship within the city;
         (d)   Name (title) of the land development project/subdivision which shall not have the same spelling or pronunciation similar to any other project/subdivision located within the city or its extraterritorial jurisdictional area;
         (e)   Name of the survey in which the subdivision is located;
         (f)   Name, address, and profession of the person who prepared the plan drawing, and date thereof;
         (g)   Name and address of the record owner(s), subdivider(s), and developer(s) of the subdivision;
         (h)   Names of the owners of contiguous parcels of unsubdivided land and the names of contiguous subdivisions within 200 feet, and the County Recorder's book and page number thereof, and the lot patterns of these subdivisions shown by dotted or light dashed lines;
         (i)   Location of the city's corporate limit lines and extraterritorial jurisdiction lines, if they traverse or form a part of the boundary of the subdivision, or are contiguous to the boundary;
         (j)   Perimeter subdivision boundary lines, indicated by heavy lines, and the distances and bearings thereof. The subdivision boundary shall be construed to include that part of adjacent boundary streets which were previously established by dedication or purchase from the tract being subdivided;
         (k)   Gross acreage of the subdivision shall be noted thereon; and
         (l)   Approval block attesting to the approval of the preliminary plan by the Council along with the date thereof.
      (2)   Existing general site information.
         (a)   Public street and highway right-of-way lines with existing traveled roadway widths noted therein;
         (b)   Public alley right-of-way lines;
         (c)   Private street/drive right-of-way lines with existing traveled roadway widths noted therein;
         (d)   Drainage and utility easements, including the widths and purposes thereof;
         (e)   Railroad right-of-way lines, including the widths, centerlines, and purposes thereof (i.e., main line trackage or spur trackage);
         (f)   Lot and parcel lines;
         (g)   Public use areas/site (i.e., schools, parks, open space, and the like);
         (h)   General outline of area(s) embraced by tree cover;
         (i)   Topographic contour lines in conformance with the following criteria:
            1.   Terrain with slope less than 2%: two-foot vertical intervals;
            2.   Terrain with slope of 2% to 15%: five-foot vertical intervals;
            3.   Terrain with slope greater than 15%: ten-foot vertical intervals; and
            4.   A note stating the appropriate topographic reference to city standard datum shall be shown.
         (j)   Building and structures to remain, including notations as to the nature and use thereof (i.e., single-family residence, garage, barn, shed, well, barbershop, and the like); and
         (k)   Bridges, trestles, and other significant physical development features.
      (3)   Existing drainage information.
         (a)   Water impoundments (i.e., lakes, ponds, stock tanks, fish hatcheries, and the like) with the perimeter outline thereof shown at normal pool elevation and the elevation thereof so noted;
         (b)   Drainage structures (i.e., dams, spillways, flumes, culverts, and the like) and noted as to the size and type thereof (i.e., earth, concrete, riprap, metal, R.C.P., V.C.P., and the like);
         (c)   Flow lines of all drainage and watercourses (i.e., streams, creeks, drainage swales, and the like) and noted as to whether the features flow constant or intermittent;
         (d)   Delineation of on and contiguous off-site drainage area(s), including appropriate notations as to the respective acreage(s) thereof; and
         (e)   Regulatory flood limits (100-year flood plain).
      (4)   Proposed development information.
         (a)   Public street, alley, and highway right-of-way lines and widths thereof;
         (b)   Private road right-of-way lines and widths thereof, including the labeling of the roads and crosswalks as being private rather than public;
         (c)   Drainage, utility, and easements, including the widths and purposes thereof;
         (d)   Railroad right-of-way lines, including the widths, centerlines, and purposes thereof (i.e., main line trackage or spur trackage);
         (e)   Lot and parcel lines of all proposed and to be retained lots and parcels intended for one (i.e., single-family dwellings) or more (i.e., apartments, commercial centers, churches, industries, and the like) uses;
         (f)   Block, tract, and lot designations lettered and numbered in a consecutive clockwise order, and blocks and large tracts carrying alphabetical designations and lots carrying numerical designations;
         (g)   Notation as to building setback lines where adjacent to streets, crosswalks, and other significant land uses. The information may be shown in schedule form to enhance plan clarity;
         (h)   Parcels to be reserved or dedicated for public use (i.e., schools, parks, flood plains, open spaces, and the like) including the acreage(s), general perimeter dimensions, and notation as to the nature and type of use thereof;
         (i)   Parcels to be reserved or dedicated for private community use such as areas and facilities benefitting and enjoyed by the site occupants of the subdivision, including the acreage(s) general perimeter dimensions and notation as to the nature and type of use thereof, and that such are for private rather than general public use;
         (j)   Provisions to eliminate any impact of increased storm water on downstream property due to the development of the subdivision. A significant impact of storm water on downstream property as determined by the City Engineer and the City Council must be addressed by the developer before approval of the final plat;
         (k)   Delineation and numerical sequence designation of proposed development phasing of the entire subdivision if more than one phase is proposed. The estimated beginning and completion date of each phase shall be indicated in an appropriate schedule on the plan drawing; and
         (l)   Quantitative land use information (shown in schedule form on the plan) depicting each land use category; number of dwelling units (where applicable); net residential density (where applicable, and expressed in the number of dwelling units per acre exclusive of streets and other nonresidential land uses); the net acreage of each land use category (expressed to the nearest one-tenth of an acre); for each proposed phase of the subdivision development, and the overall sum total of the entire subdivision. An example as to the form of the schedule is illustrated as follows:
Land Use
Dwelling Units
Net Residential Density (d.u./acre)
Net Acreage
Land Use
Dwelling Units
Net Residential Density (d.u./acre)
Net Acreage
Single-family residential
Single-family residential
Convenience commercial center
Garden apartments
Neighborhood school/park site
Subtotal: Phase I
   (C)   Supporting documents and certificates. The plan drawing exhibit(s) shall, where applicable and herein required, be accompanied by the following described supporting documents and certificates approved as to form by the City Attorney, to aid in assisting the Council in properly evaluating the nature and character of the proposed subdivision.
      (1)   Required at the time of filing the preliminary plan.
         (a)   Completed and signed preliminary plan application and certificate of compliance with regulations on the appropriate form furnished by the city, which shall attest that the owner/subdivider/applicant has, to the best of his or her knowledge, thoroughly familiarized himself or herself with the requirements prescribed in these subdivision regulations, has furnished to the city with all applicable and complete information with respect to the plan, plan drawing(s), and supporting documents, and has otherwise complied with all applicable requirements, regulations, and ordinances of the city relative thereto;
         (b)   Existing deed restrictions currently embracing the area to be subdivided if such exist, and any real estate agreements pertaining to designated releases of certain tracts within the subdivision if applicable; and
         (c)   Preliminary eight and one-half inches by 11 inches draft reflecting significant items and features being considered by the subdivider for incorporation into private deed restrictions (restrictive/protective covenants) affecting the land being subdivided. It is not the intent of this requirement that the information be prepared in proper legal form for preliminary plan review, but merely to indicate the general nature and type of covenants being considered by the subdivider as an aid to the Council in its review and evaluation of the nature and character of the subdivision. The information should give particular attention and emphasis to, but not necessarily conclusive of, the following considerations, where applicable:
            1.   Minimum gross square feet of the living area defined as the dimensions measured from interior wall to interior wall of each type (i.e., single-family detached, apartment, and the like) of the smallest dwelling unit proposed or allowed (exclusive of garages and carports);
            2.   Type(s) of exterior building materials, and minimum allowable percentages thereof, which are to enclose the sidewalls and roofs of residential and nonresidential buildings;
            3.   Prohibition regarding the conduct of any business/commercial activities within or on any residential lot or premises, other than as permitted under home occupation uses; and
            4.   Buildings and premises on each and every type lot to be kept and maintained in a safe, healthful, and proper aesthetic manner free of junk, litter, debris, grass, and weeds over one foot in height, and any other visual, audible, or related adverse environmental impacts or nuisances.
         (d)   All applicable filing fees shall be submitted to the City Secretary at the time of filing the preliminary plan.
      (2)   Optional Council requirements. The Council may, in a majority opinion, determine that the carrying out of the development proposed by the Applicant's plan could or would have an adverse impact on the existing or proposed physical environment embraced by the subdivision, require the subdivider/applicant to prepare an environmental assessment in accordance with the policies and provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (Pub. L. No. 91-910), being 42 U.S.C. §§ 4321 et seq., and as hereafter may be amended. The Council may require the assessment be prepared any time prior to or during the Council's review of the preliminary plan, but if required, the assessment shall be placed on file and available to the Council, and general public prior to any final decision rendered on the plan.
(Ord. 96-0220, passed 2-20-1996; Ord. 19-1022A, passed 10-22-2019)