1723.01 Definitions.
1723.02 Permits and fees; other requirements.
1723.03 Wind pressure; earthquakes; trim.
1723.04 Construction, installation, maintenance.
1723.05 Roof signs.
1723.06 Wall signs.
1723.07 Projecting signs.
1723.08 Illuminated signs.
1723.09 Temporary signs.
1723.10 Combination signs.
1723.11 Marquees and marquee signs.
1723.12 Pylon or pole signs.
1723.13 Revolving beacons.
1723.14 Saving clause.
1723.15 Inconsistent ordinances repealed.
Awnings and canopies, see Part Seventeen, Art. 1721
Zoning provisions, see Part Thirteen, Art. 1346