(a)   Construction.
      (1)   Projecting signs shall be constructed of non-combustible materials. However, facings, letters, figures, decorations and structural trim thereof may be made of approved combustible materials.
      (2)   Projecting signs may have letters, panels or ornaments of porcelain enamel, glass, approved combustible plastics or other hard materials.
      (3)   Projecting signs exceeding four square feet shall be made of non-combustible material; except that, decorating facings and letterings set in or attached to non-combustible material may be of approved combustible material.
   (b)   Erection. All projecting signs shall be supported by strong steel brackets attached to walls of buildings with through bolts, expansion bolts or other equally secure method and shall be braced and held firmly in place with soft iron or steel cables or chain of adequate strength. All such supports shall be attached to walls of buildings with expansion bolts or equivalent method. Projecting signs which are permitted to extend above parapet walls may be attached to brackets fastened to roofs by means of through bolts, but shall not be attached to any part of the wall above a point of bearing of the roof joists or rafters.
(Ord. 4778, approved 11-16-1976)