1.   Calculate any allowed density bonus
      The maximum increase in density shall be limited to 25% of the permitted density. The following list of incentives may be utilized to reach a density bonus not to exceed 25%.
      a.    Internal trails that are connected with existing or potential open spaces and multi-use trails outside of the development and provide access to the public. Open space must be connected to larger greenway systems when technically possible = 4% bonus
      b.   The amount of open space provided exceeds the required open space area from § 154.280(B) for the development by 10% or more (including the bonus acreages offered for any special incentives allowed per § 154.282 and any infiltration credit allowed per the Water Resources Ordinance) = 8% bonus
+       %
        c.    Open space within the development is placed into a conservation easement with a legally incorporated land conservation agency or donated to a public open space agency (as approved by the Plat Committee) = 4% bonus
+       %
      d.   Pursue landmark status for identified historically significant buildings, structures and sites on the subject property as determined by the County Historic Preservation Ordinance and recommendation of the County Historic Preservation Commission to have merit and suitability for preservation and/or adaptive reuse and preserve them by incorporating them into the development proposal= 4% bonus
+       %
      e.   Provide design excellence and quality in building style and material. This may include, but not be limited to, compact clustering of home sites with the efficient and appropriate layout of roads and utilities and energy conserving landscaping. This should include the utilization of native plant species and the preservation of natural resources. The aforementioned design should reflect nationally recognized standards, such as the Sustainable Sites Initiative, LEED or National Association of Homebuilders Green Building Standards or as described in the Developer’s Handbook. (not to exceed a 8% bonus)
+       %
      f.   Area based density bonuses:
         i.   Woodlands are preserved and set aside in common areas:       acres
         ii.   Natural preserves in excess of 50% are created or set aside into common areas:     acres
         iii.   Total acreage bonus for Stormwater Infiltration practices per the Water Resource Ordinance:       acres
            Total acres for area based density bonuses (i + ii + iii): =       acres
            Divide by the net site area (§ 154.267(C)): /      acres
            Multiply by 100: x 100% =       %
            Equals area based density bonus percentage (Not to exceed 10%)
+       %
2.   Equal total bonuses (Add 1a -1f) (25% Max.)
=       %
3.   Divide total bonus % by 100
4.   Multiply total bonus by prebonus maximum number of dwelling units (from §§ 154.266 or 154.267)
      x       units
5.   Equals number of bonus dwelling units
=       units
6.   Add results of yield plan or yield formula to bonus dwelling units for maximum number of dwelling units
=       units
(Ord. passed 7-8-1970; Res. 09-167, passed 6-18-2009) Penalty, see § 154.999