A right-of-way alteration permit shall cover additional work in the county right-of-way, including:
(A) Drainage-ditch or field tile replacement.
(B) Landscaping such as tree clearing.
(C) Noise abatement barriers or retaining walls.
(D) Soil bores or pavement cores.
(E) Other work within or adjacent to the county right-of-way
(Ord. 20-231, passed 7-16-2020)
Any owner of property abutting a county highway has the right of reasonable access. Access which meets the requirements in this chapter shall be approved through granting an access permit. To assist a property owner, developer, their engineer, contractor, public agencies or any other applicant in the administrative, procedural and engineering requirements of this chapter, refer to the Technical Reference Manual.
(Ord. 20-231, passed 7-16-2020)
(A) An access permit shall be required for the construction of any new access or the modification of any existing access within the right-of-way of a county highway, when the work is to be done by any person or public agency other than Will County. An access permit shall not be required for a public agency when a joint agreement covers the work involved therein or at such times as the County Engineer is exercising statutory supervisory authority.
(B) Requirements for access to a county highway are based on two factors:
(1) The type of access (agricultural, minimum, minor, major, designated freeway, temporary).
(2) The access classification of the county highway from which the access is being permitted.
(C) The owner must specify the type of access being requested. If the access type is unknown or ambiguous, the owner shall consult the Access Control Officer. The County Engineer has the responsibility and final authority for determining the access type.
(D) he access permit is valid for as long as the use is consistent with the approved access type, unless otherwise specified on the permit. The Access Control Officer may, upon written request, extend the term of an access permit for such a period as the Access Control Officer may determine.
(Ord. 20-231, passed 7-16-2020)