(A)   Any member of the County Police Department who shall be guilty of any of the following shall be subject to disciplinary action by the Sheriff and the Merit Commission.
   (B)   No member of the County Police Department shall:
      (1)   Violate any law or statute of a state or of the United States;
      (2)   Violate any ordinance of a county or municipal government;
      (3)   Willfully mistreat any person;
      (4)   Violate any of the general orders, special orders or rules and regulations of the Department which are not inconsistent with these rules and regulations;
      (5)   Negligently or carelessly use any weapon;
      (6)   Knowingly make a false official report;
      (7)   Fail to obey a lawful order;
      (8)   Be insubordinate to, or show disrespect for, a superior in the Department;
      (9)   Mistreat a junior member of the Department;
      (10)   Neglect to perform his or her duties or perform his or her duties with gross inefficiency or incapacity;
      (11)   Engage in any conduct unbecoming to a member of the Department or which tends to reflect discredit on the Department;
      (12)   Leave his or her post of duty without permission or without being properly relieved;
      (13)   Be absent from duty without leave or appropriate permission;
      (14)   Willfully destroy or damage any property of the Department;
      (15)   Use of property of the Department without authority;
      (16)   Receive, solicit or attempt to solicit money or anything of value for performing or failing to perform any police duty;
      (17)   Solicit business, clients or customers for any business establishment or any business or professional person;
      (18)   Drink any kind of intoxicating liquor while on duty or while in uniform except when the action is required and properly authorized in the performance of assigned duties;
      (19)   Use of any habit-forming drug or narcotic, except at the direction of a physician;
      (20)   Associate with persons having known criminal records or connections, except when the action is required and properly authorized in the performance of assigned duties;
      (21)   Frequent any establishment of unsavory reputation or owned or operated by any person having a known criminal record or connections, except when the action is required or properly authorized in the performance of assigned duties; and
      (22)   Disseminate or release any information concerning essential police matters except when properly authorized to do so.
(1980 Code, § 33.12) (1966 pp. 24—25, adopted 1- -1966) (Sup. Rec. Bk. 237, pp. 93—94)
   Disciplinary measures, see § 33.005
   Disciplinary procedures; hearing, see § 33.006