Before a permit may be issued to make an excavation in the surface of an improved public street or alley, the applicant shall deposit with the City, in addition to the fee provided for in Section 901.03, fifteen dollars ($15.00) for each square foot of surface material removed or disturbed. As soon as practicable after the completion of the work to be performed by the applicant, the applicant shall repair the surface of the highway removed by the applicant with bituminous surface material or with a paving material of equivalent quality. If, after a period of sixty days from the date of the repair of the surface of any highway, it is determined by the City Manager or other officer designated by Council that the opening has been adequately filled and repaired by the applicant, the City shall refund to the applicant the amount advanced by the applicant.
(Ord. 4459. Passed 9-18-95; Ord. 5225. Passed 4-16-07.)