   (A)   The municipality through the Municipal Sewer Department shall furnish sewer services to persons within its corporate limits whose premises abut a street or alley in which a commercial main is now laid. Persons within its corporate limits whose premises do not abut a street or alley in which a commercial main is now laid may make an application therefor to the Utilities Superintendent who shall submit said application to the governing body for approval.
   (B)   Should the governing body grant said approval, the entire cost of pipe and other installation charges for said sewer main shall be paid by the person, or persons, to whom approval has been granted. The municipality may also furnish sewer service to persons whose premises are situated outside the corporate limits of the municipality, as and when, according to law, the governing body may see fit to do so. The rules, regulations and sewer rental rates hereinafter named in this chapter shall be considered a part of every application hereafter made for sewer service and shall be considered a part of a contract between every customer now or hereafter served.
   (C)   Without further formality, the making of the application on the part of any applicant or the use of sewer service by present customers thereof shall constitute a contract between the customer and the municipality to which said contract both parties are bound. If the customer shall violate any of the provisions of said contract or any reasonable rules and regulations that the governing body may hereafter adopt, the Utilities Superintendent, or his or her agent, may cut off or disconnect the sewer service from the building or premises of such violation. No further connection for sewer service to said building or premises shall again be made, save or except by order of the Superintendent or his or her agent.
(Prior Code, § 3-204) (Ord. 942, passed 2-27-2019) Penalty, see § 53.999
Statutory reference:
   Similar provisions, see Neb. RS 17-901 and 17-902
   Contracts for sewer service are not transferable. Any person wishing to change from one location to another shall make a new application and sign a new contract. If any customer shall move from the premises where service is furnished, or if said premises is destroyed by fire or other casualty, he or she shall at once inform the Utilities Superintendent who shall cause the sewer service to be shut off from said premises. If the customer should fail to give notice, he or she shall be charged for that period of time until the official in charge of sewers is otherwise advised of such circumstances.
(Prior Code, § 3-205)
Statutory reference:
   Similar provisions, see Neb. RS 18-503
   (A)   No person or persons shall maliciously, willfully or negligently break, damage, destroy, uncover, deface or tamper with any structure, appurtenance or equipment which is part of the wastewater facilities.
   (B)   Any person or persons violating this provision shall be subject to immediate arrest under charge of disorderly conduct.
(Prior Code, § 3-247) Penalty, see § 53.999