Ord. No. Date Description
1926-9 3-31-26 To CEI to erect poles, etc
1926-23 7-7-26 To Ohio Telephone and Telegraph Co. to maintain lines.
1927-15 4-20-27 To Lake County Gas Co. for mains and pipes.
1928-15 4-18-28 From N. Y., Chicago & St. Louis RR for sewers across railway right of way.
1930-34 6-11-30 From Guardian Savings & Trust Co. for sewer lines.
1930-35 6-11-30 From E. E. and A.W. Young for sewer lines.
1930-36 6-11-30 From Guardian Savings & Trust Co. for sewer lines.
1937-22 1-26-38 To Lake County Gas Co. for mains and lines.
1942-19 4-27-42 To N. Y., Chicago & St. Louis RR for tracks across Lloyd Rd.
Res.1947-12 9-4-46 From R. C. Powers for water main in Country Club Drive.
1947-17 12-22-47 From C. T., R. C. and T. J. Powers for water main on Pine Ridge Drive.
1949-22 8-29-49 From W. B. and M.P. Grover for water main.
Res.1950-4 5-8-50 From R. W. and I. Cornelius, et al, for water main on East 299th St.
Res.1951-12 6-11-51 From S. A. and G. W. Harrington for water main on Franklin Ave.
Res.1951-15 8-2-51 From R. C., T. J. and C.T. Powers for water main on Bridle Path Trail.
Res.1952-8 7-16-52 From M. and S. Kazen for water mains on Green Ridge and Ashwood Drives.
Res.1953-3 1-26-53 From Roberts Homes Inc. for water main on Roberts St.
Res.1953-33 4-27-53 From F. and D. Berzin for water mains on Frank Drive and Dorothy Drive.
Res.1953-34 6-8-53 From J. R. and S. E. Nutt for water mains on Garden Drive.
Res.1953-38 6-22-53 From certain owners for water mains on Arthur Ave.
Res.1953-67 6-28-53 From C. F. and D. W. Bitner for water main on Johnson and Cabin Drives.
Res.1953-70 6-28-53 From W.S. and E.M. Clark for water mains on Cabin Drive.
Res.1953-56 7-13-53 From E.M. and W.S. Clark for water mains on Clark Drive.
Res.1953-80 12-28-53 From Leo Oshaben et al, for water main on Franklin Ave.
Res.1954-36 8-9-54 From Sterling Land Co. for water main on Phillips Ave.
Res.1955-3 2-28-55 From H. J. Morrison Building Co. for water mains on Hazel Rd., Alton Rd. and East 289th St.
1955-9 3-28-55 To East Ohio Gas Co. to lay and maintain pipe lines.
Res.1955-24 5-9-55 From the Harvard Land Co. for water mains on Rush Rd., Mark Court, Arbor St., Grant Rd. and Dennis Drive.
Res.1955-44 9-26-55 From Harvard Land Co. for water mains on Bonnie Court.
Res.1955-48 11-22-55 From the Homewood Improvement Co. for water mains on Homewood Drive.
Res.1956-18 5-14-56 From the owners for water mains on Franklin Ave.
1956-48 7-23-56 From Frank Berzin for water mains in Overlook Estates No. 1.
1956-66 9-10-56 From Larchmont Improvement Co. for water mains in Larchmont Estates Nos. 1 and 2.
1956-66 9-10-56 From Larchmont Improvement Co. for water mains in Larchmont Estates Nos. 1 and 2.
Res.1956-42 10-22-56 From Joseph Nutt, Jr. for water mains in J.R. Nutt Subdivision No. 2.
Res.1957-39 10-28-57 From East Side Land Co. for utilities in Regent Rd.
Res.1959-22 2-9-59 From Wickliffe Gardens, Inc. for water main in proposed Ridgewick Dr.
Res.1959-24 4-13-59 From Larchmont Improvement Co. for water mains in Sherbrook, Stanford and Fenwick Drs.
1959-35 5-11-59 Purchase from Kokenyessy of storm sewer easement for connection on Garden Dr.
Res.1959-29 5-25-59 From Schwartz and Zaremsky, Inc. for water main in Vinewood Dr., Shaker Dr. and Bryn Mawr Ave.
Res.1959-30 5-25-59 From Robinwood Homes, Inc. for water main in Sterling Rd. and Parkwood Dr.
1959-40 5-25-59 Purchase from Frech of storm and sanitary sewer easement to service Garden Dr.
1959-65 7-27-59 Purchase from Broughan of storm sewer and easement in Country Club Dr.
Res.1959-40 8-10-59 From Kramer and Kebe for water main in Talmadge Dr.
Res.1959-66 12-14-59 From Tarasco for water main in Valley View Dr.
Res.1959-65 12-28-59 From West Side Holding Co. for water main in Ridgewick, Dorothy and Frank Drs.
Res.1960-4 2-23-60 To Cleveland for water main at SE corner of Ridge and Bishop Rds.
Res.1960-13 5-9-60 From Schwartz and Zaremsky, Inc. for water main in Shaker and Elmwood Drs.
Res.1960-14 5-9-60 From Apple, Silla, Camino and Tamborello for water main in Meadowview Dr.
Res.1960-33 6-27-60 From Meadow Lane Village Apartments, Inc. for water main.
Res.1960-47 9-12-60 From Empire Gardens, Inc. for water main.
Res.1960-51 10-10-60 From Rabbinical College of Telshe, Inc. for a water main.
Res.1960-64 10-24-60 From Meadow Lane Village Apartments, Inc. for a water main.
1960-135 11-14-60 From Hendershott and Smith, Inc. for ingress and egress to the City dump site south of the NYC Railroad Co. property.
1961-9 1-23-61 To State for perpetual highway purposes over 7.56 acres comprising part of the Euclid Shale Brick property for construction of the Euclid Spur.
1961-10 1-23-61 To State for temporary easement over 1.939 acres comprising part of the Euclid Shale Brick property for access to Euclid Spur construction.
1961-31 3-27-61 With New York, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad Co. for crossing of a 2-inch water line.
Res.1962-9 5-14-62 From Lee Estates, Inc. for a water main.
Res.1967-8 2-27-67 From property owners abutting both sides of Kennedy Dr. for a storm sewer.
Res.1969-18 10-20-69 From property owners abutting both sides of vacated Ridgehills Dr. and vacated Marilyn Court for storm and sanitary sewers.
1970-71 6-29-70 From CEI to construct and maintain the north central storm sewer.
1970-72 6-29-70 From Norfolk and Western Railroad to construct and maintain the north central storm sewer.
Res.1971-29 11-22-71 From Rabbinical College of Telshe, Inc. for storm and sanitary sewers.
Res.1972-6 5-8-72 From Holiday Inns of America, Inc. for storm and sanitary sewers.
Res.1972-7 5-8-72 From Gulf Oil Corp. for storm and sanitary sewers.
1973-18 11-12-73 From Maurer and Schaefer for storm and sanitary sewers.
Res.1974-8 3-11-74 From A. Salupo et al, for maintaining a storm sewer.
Res.1975-22 6-9-75 From C.P. Mueller et al, for maintaining a storm sewer.
Res.1975-33 10-13-75 From L.J. and K.E. Barbee for a sanitary sewer.
Res.1976-24 10-4-76 From J.C. Ziska et al for maintaining a storm sewer.
Res.1976-28 12-13-76 From J.W. Kinnaird et al. for storm and sanitary sewers.
Res.1978-7 3-13-78 From Ohio Food Systems, Inc. for maintaining a storm sewer.
Res.1978-18 9-25-78 From Wickliffe Country Place Ltd. for storm and sanitary sewers.
1979-55 8-13-79 With Norfolk and Western and New York Central Railroad for a grade separation at Worden Rd.
1979-77 11-14-79 With Norfolk and Western and New York Central Railroad for a grade separation at Worden Rd.
1979-80 11-26-79 With Norfolk and Western and New York Central Railroad for a replacement access at Worden Rd. for CEI.
Res.1984-24 5-14-84 From F. and D. Cendol for sewers.
Res.1987-22 9-28-87 From Richard L. and Lynda J. Marshall for sewers.
Res.1987-26 1-25-88 From Bishop Pilla for access for municipal purposes.
Res.1989-14 9-11-89 From Frank and Dorothy Berzin for maintenance of a traffic control signal.
1991-92 5-29-91 To Ohio Bell Telephone in Lakeland Blvd. area for construction and maintenance of underground conduit.
Res.1993-23 10-11-93 From Donald S. and Lois J. Calderwood for sewer purposes.
Res.1993-24 10-11-93 From William C. and Charlotte M. Wahl for sewer purposes.
1994-50 9-12-94 From Lubrizol Corp. to widen Worden Rd.
1994-51 9-12-94 From Lubrizol Corp. to install loop detector as part of traffic control system at Worden Rd. and Lakeland Blvd.
1994-52 9-12-94 From Lubrizol Corp. to install a controller as part of traffic control system at Worden Rd. and Lakeland Blvd.
1995-12 4-24-95 From Cleveland Diocese for traffic control system at Bailey Dr. and Euclid Ave.
1998-74 1-11-99 To Snavely Development Corp. for exclusive use as a right of way for vehicular and pedestrian access.
1998-3 2-8-99 From Marriott Senior Citizens Living Services, Inc. as to .65 acres at the intersection of Bishop and Ridge Roads.
2000-56 1-8-01 From Lubrizol Corp. to allow expansion of Laketran usage.
2002-35 6-24-02 From Jeanette S. Knapp for maintenance and repair of the Park Street Storm Sewer Extension.
2002-36 6-24-02 From Jeanette S. Knapp and Mary McGuiness for maintenance and repair of the Park Street Storm Sewer Extension.
Res.2002-24 12-9-02 From Wickliffe Senior Villas, 2200 Bishop Road a conservation easement for the establishment and maintenance of a natural barrier.
2005-15 2-28-05 Purchasing land and easement for the construction of the Bishop Road Improvement.
2005-29 3-14-05 Purchasing land and easement for the construction of the Bishop Road Improvement.
2005-36 3-28-05 Purchasing land and easement for the construction of the Bishop Road Improvement.
2005-40 4-11-05 Purchasing land and easement for the construction of the Bishop Road Improvement.
2005-44 4-25-05 Purchasing land and easement for the construction of the Bishop Road Improvement.
2005-45 4-25-05 Purchasing land and easement for the construction of the Bishop Road Improvement.
2005-52 5-23-05 Purchasing land and easement for the construction of the Bishop Road Improvement.
2005-58 5-23-05 Purchasing land and easement for the construction of the Bishop Road Improvement.
2005-59 5-23-05 Purchasing land and easement for the construction of the Bishop Road Improvement.
2005-60 5-23-05 Purchasing land and easement for the construction of the Bishop Road Improvement.
2005-61 5-23-05 Purchasing land and easement for the construction of the Bishop Road Improvement.
2005-65 6-13-05 Purchasing land and easement for the construction of the Bishop Road Improvement.
2005-66 6-13-05 Purchasing land and easement for the construction of the Bishop Road Improvement.
2005-73 9-12-05 Accepts a highway easement granted by Colleen Sztul as to a portion of the property located at 2500 Rockefeller Road.
2005-74 9-12-05 Accepts a highway easement granted by Kristen Turoczy and Shawn West as to a portion of the property located at 2510 Rockefeller Road.
2007-09 2-12-07 Conveys to SBC Ohio an easement to install a second equipment box with a power-meter pedestal on a parcel of land owned by the City.
2007-66 9-24-07 Grants an easement to the owners of 29144 Ridge Road to enter the premises at Green Ridge Golf Course to repair and maintain the sewer septic system.
2018-58 12-10-18 Authorizing a temporary construction easement to Lake County Board of Commissioners.
2018-59 12-10-18 Authorizing an easement to Lake County Board of Commissioners.