Ord. No.   Date   Description
1959-41   5-25-59   Regulates East Ohio Gas Co. natural gas rates for 4 years.
1960-24   3-14-60   Street lighting contract with CEI.
1963-59   6-24-63   Amends street lighting contract authorized by Ord. 1960-24.
1965-22   3-22-65   Street lighting contract with CEI.
1968-35   5-13-68   Regulates natural gas rates of East Ohio Gas Co. for 4 years.
1970-11   3-9-70   Street lighting contract with CEI.
1970-76   9-14-70   Regulates East Ohio Gas Co. natural gas rates for 5 years.
1971-52   11-8-71   Street lighting contract with CEI.
1972-52   8-28-72   Regulates East Ohio Gas Co. natural gas rates 1-2-73 to 12-31- 77.
1976-63   9-27-76   Amends street lighting contract authorized by Ord. 1971-52.
1977-41   6-13-77   Amends period of street lighting contract authorized by Ords. 1971-52 and 1976-63.
1978-74   10-9-78   Awards street lighting contract to CEI for 10 years.
1978-92   11-27-78   Authorizes improvement of street lighting on Euclid Ave.
1980-27   5-27-80   Contract with Continential Cablevision of Ohio, Inc. to maintain a CATV system for 15 years.
1980-39   6-30-80   Amends Ord. 1980-27 to substitute Continental Cablevision of Northeast Ohio, Inc. for Continental Cablevision of Ohio, Inc.
Res.1981-60   10-26-81   Allows Continental Cablevision of Northeast Ohio, Inc. to pledge assets to obtain a construction loan.
Res.1982-33   4-12-82   Amends Res. 1981-60 to consent to Continental Cablevision of Northeast Ohio, Inc. to pledge its assets.
1997-53   8-4-97   Grants a renewal of a nonexclusive franchise to Mediaone of Ohio, Inc. to operate a cable communication system.