(a)    Main Uses.
      (1)    Retail specialty shops including, but not limited to, the sale of gifts, antiques, flowers, books, jewelry, tobacco and related supplies, craft shops making articles exclusively for sale at retail on the premises.
      (2)    Personal services conducted wholly within enclosed buildings and devoted to supplying neighborhood service needs including but not limited to tailor, barber, beauty salon, shoe repair, dressmaking, dry cleaning, laundry, laundromat, nursery, day care center, pet grooming, or similar services.
      (3)    Business offices including, but not limited to, security and commodity brokerage, real estate sales, travel agency, employment counseling, insurance sales, advertising, mailing and stenographic services. and similar uses,
      (4)    Confectionery, bakery, coffee shop, donut shop, delicatessen, or similar use where articles are produced and sold on the premises at retail only and excluding drive-up service windows.
      (5)    Studios for dance, art, music, or photography.
      (6)    Professional offices for lawyers, engineers, architects, designers or similar professions; medical offices for doctors, dentists, or other practitioners of the healing arts.
      (7)    Single-family detached and single-family townhouse residences at a density not to exceed 12 units per acre.
      (8)    Public utility office.
   (b)   Similar Main Uses. Any other retail neighborhood store, shop, service or office not listed above or in any subsequent use classification, which is similar as to type of goods sold, services rendered, hours of operation, amount of traffic generated and determined as similar by the Commission.
   (c)   Accessory Buildings or Uses.
      (1)    Accessory off-street parking and loading facilities as required and as provided in Chapter 1321 of this Zoning Ordinance.
      (2)    Signs as permitted and as regulated in Chapter 1161 of this Zoning Ordinance.
   (d)   Uses Permitted Conditionally in a Town Center District. 
      (1)    Funeral home or mortuary.
      (2)    Bank, savings and loan, mortgage lending and similar financial institution including such institutions with drive-up facilities.
      (3)    Check cashing and cash advance services provided such use is not within 2,000 linear feet of another check cashing and/or cash advance service use.
      (4)    Motel or hotel.
      (5)    Gasoline Service Station.
   (e)   Standards and Criteria for Conditional Uses. The Planning Commission may approve a listed conditional use in the Town Center District if the applicant demonstrates with a reasonable degree of certainty that the use will conform to the following standards:
      (1)    The proposed use is of similar architectural scale to existing development in the district or will use an existing building for its purpose.
      (2)    The proposed use will share an access driveway and/or parking with an abutting use, or is designed to permit such sharing when it becomes available.
      (3)    The use shall provide adequate off-street loading areas for regular servicing or deliveries of materials, stocks, or supplies.
      (4)    Minimum visual and functional conflict will be created between the proposed use and nearby uses.
      (5)    The proposed use shall comply with site design criteria specified at Section 1313.70 of these regulations.
      (6)    The proposed use shall comply with other Standards for Approving a Conditional Use as specified at Chapter 1331 of these regulations.
         (Ord. 2003-34. Passed 6-23-03.)