The following site design criteria shall be complied with for improvements on lots fronting on Euclid Avenue within the Town Center and General Business Districts:
   (a)   Guidelines for Town Center District.
      (1)   Where existing buildings are to be renovated, unique or distinguishing elements contributing to the character of the property or character of the area should be preserved as much as practical and incorporated into the renovation.
      (2)   To present an intimate town center atmosphere new buildings should be compatible in size, scale, and mass with existing buildings in the district.
      (3)   Orientation of new structures should reflect the predominantly vertical orientation of existing structures in the District (lines and structural elements emphasizing height as opposed to width of the structure).
      (4)   Off-street parking facilities should be placed in a rear or side yard and be provided with appropriate perimeter buffer screening and landscaping as required by Chapter 1321.
      (5)   Access to sites and parking is encouraged from side streets, alleys, or through common easements to Euclid Avenue. Access shall be evaluated relative to the State of Ohio Department of Transportation's “Access Management Manual.” More than one access point per lot from Euclid Avenue is discouraged.
      (6)   Rhythm and size of openings and fenestration should be sympathetic to the rhythm and size of openings and fenestration of adjacent buildings.
      (7)   Roof forms such as gables, hips, etc. should be oriented similarly as those of adjacent buildings.
      (8)   Roof mounted mechanical units should be screened from the street and painted to match the color of the building.
      (9)   Setbacks may be varied with approval from Planning Commission to respect the setbacks of existing adjacent buildings. Zero side yard setback minimum.
      (10)   Minimum ten feet (10') front yard setback from right-of-way.
      (11)   Signs shall be designed to reflect the scale of the building and be placed on the building in a complimentary manner.
      (12)   Building design should incorporate some, but not necessarily all of the following details to achieve compatibility with characteristics of the City:
         A.   Use of pitched roofs, with gables facing the street.
         B.   Prominent main entries framed by porches, recesses, roof forms, etc.
         C.   Multi-paneled windows with shutters.
         D.   Decorative lintels and cornices.
         E.   Proportion of wall surface openings consistent with adjacent structures.
         F.   Building height and width in general proportion to adjacent properties.
   (b)    Guidelines for General Business District.
      (1)   Signs should be designed to reflect the scale of the building.
      (2)   Off-street parking shall be screened from the street and from adjacent residential uses by employing mounds, low masonry walls, fences or vegetation in compliance with perimeter buffer requirements of Chapter 1321.
      (3)   Access from arterial roadways shall be designed to be in general compliance with the standards reflected in the Ohio Department of Transportation’s “Access Management Manual.”
      (4)   New structures shall provide a minimum front yard setback from right-of- way of eighty feet (80') except where Planning Commission approves a less restrictive front yard setback after considering site limitations and setbacks of adjacent structures.
      (5)   Unique and contemporary designs may be appropriate where they do not clearly detract from any architectural unity or group of architecturally significant buildings.
      (6)   New buildings and renovations shall be designed and oriented with consideration to:
         A.   Maintaining and enhancing the character of the surrounding area by incorporating design features that are appropriate and compatible with existing structures.
         B.   Providing prominent main entries framed by porches, recesses, roof forms, etc.
         C.   Proportioning wall surface openings consistent with adjacent structures.
         D.   Maintaining building height and width in general proportion to adjacent properties.
         E.   Encouraging safe and comfortable pedestrian ways and accommodating convenient pedestrian movement among adjacent and nearby buildings and parking areas.
            (Ord. 2003-34. Passed 6-23-03.)