General Provisions
70.001 Definitions
70.002 Operator must be licensed
70.003 License plates
70.004 Use of dynamic brake device prohibited
Operation of Motor Vehicles
70.015 Drive on the right side of the highway
70.016 Meeting of vehicles
70.017 Overtaking a vehicle
70.018 Limitations on privilege of overtaking and passing
70.019 Driver to give way to overtaking vehicle
70.020 Following too closely
70.021 Turning at intersections
70.022 Right-of-way
70.023 Exceptions to right-of-way rule
70.024 Emergency vehicle(s) approaching
70.025 Driving through safety zone prohibited
70.026 Coasting prohibited
70.027 Driving on sidewalks prohibited
70.028 Backing around corners or into intersections prohibited
70.029 Careless driving
70.030 U-turns at intersections
70.031 U-turns prohibited
70.032 Vehicles must stop at certain highways and streets
70.033 Vehicles must yield at certain highways and streets
70.034 Passing a school bus
70.035 Emerging from a private alley or driveway
70.036 Slow driving
70.037 Stealing rides and trailing sleds
70.038 Exhibition driving
70.039 Engine breaks
Vehicular Accidents
70.050 Duty upon striking fixtures
Railroad Crossings
70.065 Railroad signals must be obeyed
70.066 Keep to the right crossing intersections and railroads
70.080 Pedestrians’ right-of-way
70.081 Crossing streets
70.082 Pedestrians’ rights and duties at controlled intersections
70.083 Pedestrians to obey traffic signals
70.084 Boarding or alighting from vehicles
70.085 Crossing at right angles
70.999 Penalty