For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
CONSUMER. A consumer is one who uses and by using destroys the value of the article purchased.
ITINERANT VENDOR. Any person engaged or employed in the business of retailing to the consumers by going from consumer to consumer, without invitation, either on the street or to their place of residence or employment, and soliciting, selling or offering to sell, or exhibiting for sale by sample, catalog or otherwise, or taking orders for future delivery of any goods, or a merchandise, or for services to be performed in the future.
TRANSIENT MERCHANT. Any person who brings into the City a stock of goods, wares or articles of merchandise or notions or other articles of trade, and locates the same in a temporary location, and who solicits, sells or offers to sell, or exhibits for sale, such stock of goods, wares or articles of merchandise or notions or other articles of trade is within the meaning of this chapter a TRANSIENT MERCHANT, and such definition shall continue to apply until such person is continuously engaged at such temporary premises for a period of one year.
(1985 Code, § 5.06.010)
(A) All itinerant vendors and transient merchants shall obtain a license at the City offices by paying a fee as set by Council by resolution which shall remain valid for 90 days from the date of issuance.
(B) A local non-profit organization sponsoring an event within the City limits, at which more than one itinerant vendor is expected to sell its products, may obtain one umbrella license by paying a fee as set by Council by resolution, under which license vendors may sell products at the site and location of the sponsored event.
(1985 Code, § 5.06.030)