No person, firm or corporation proposing to make or who makes or has made a subdivision of the City shall offer for sale, enter into any contract for sale of, sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of any subdivision or any part thereof or proceed with the grading or any construction work of the proposed subdivision until he or it has obtained from the Commission approval of the preliminary plat of the proposed subdivision.
   Such person, firm or corporation may thereupon offer to sell or enter into a contract to sell such subdivision or any part thereof, providing such offer to sell or such contract to sell is conditioned upon the promise and agreement of such person, firm or corporation inserted therein, to complete the improvements and perform the other work set forth upon such preliminary plat.
   However, no building permit shall be issued by the City to erect any dwelling or other structure upon any subdivision until the subdivider has provided sufficient security with the City in the form of a certified check, irrevocable Letter of Credit or bond in an amount equal to the estimated cost of the improvement contemplated by and under such preliminary plat, to assure the completion of such improvements by the City in the event the subdivider fails to complete such improvements. (Ord. 081-2023. Passed 10-3-23.)