Each commercial hauler shall use covered, leak-proof, sanitary packer-type trucks which are easily cleanable, and other equipment necessary for the performance of the service to be rendered. All trucks and other equipment shall be subject to inspection by the Director of Public Service and the Director of Public Safety, or their representatives; and such trucks and other equipment shall be maintained in a safe and sanitary condition. Nothing other than salvageable matter shall be transported within the City by any vehicle which is other than a packer-type unit.
   Both sides of each truck shall clearly indicate the company name, address and telephone number in letters no less than two inches in height.
   The number of trucks operated by one company, under one license, is not limited. However, each truck used in the City is to be safety checked by the Police Department. Truck defects which are listed during vehicle inspection must be corrected and reinspected within seven days. Failure to comply may prompt suspension of the refuse license for a period not to exceed six months. Truck inspection is also required previous to a refuse license renewal.
(Ord. 67-68. Passed 5-21-68.)