The Civil Service Commission, within the terms of this article shall perform the following duties:
(a) Keeping Minutes and Records; Records Open to Inspection. The Commission shall keep minutes of its own proceedings and records of its examinations and other official actions. All recommendations of applicants for office received by the Commission, or by the appointing officer shall be kept and preserved for a period of ten years; and all such records, recommendations of former employees excepted, and all written causes of removal filed with it, shall, subject to reasonable regulation, be open to public inspection.
(b) Conducting Investigations; Hearing and Determining Appeals. The Commission shall make such investigation as, in its judgment, may be necessary concerning the enforcement and effect of this article. The Commission shall hear and determine appeals or complaints respecting the operation and enforcement of this article or the rules and regulations adopted by the Commission. In the course of such investigation, each Commissioner and the Personnel Director shall have the power to administer oaths and affirmations and to take testimony. In any investigation conducted by the Civil Service Commission or Personnel Director, such investigators shall have the power to subpoena and require the attendance of witnesses and the production by them of books and papers pertinent to the investigation. It shall also determine its own rules of evidence and rules of procedure.
(c) Establishment of Classification Plan. The Commission shall review the established job classification plan of the City of Wheeling and the Job Classification Committee procedures.
(d) Annual Report to City Manager; Transmission to Council; Open to Inspection. The Commission shall make an annual report to the City Manager, who shall transmit the same to Council at its next regular meeting, setting forth the activities of the Commission, its rules and regulations, and any suggestions that it may wish to make to insure the more effectual accomplishment of the purposes of this article. Such report shall be available for public inspection five days after the same has been transmitted to Council.
(e) Making Rules and Regulations; Notice and Publication; Approval by Council; Amendment. The Commission shall make rules and regulations providing for examinations for positions in the classified service of the City and for appointments and promotions therein, and for such other purposes as may be necessary to carry out the intent of this article. Due notice of the contents of such rules and regulations and of any modifications thereof shall be given to the appointing officer and made available for public review in the office of the City Clerk. The rules shall be approved by Council before they go into effect, and when so approved, shall not be annulled or changed by the Commission without the approval of Council.
(f) Appointments, Promotions and Removals in Classified Service. All appointments to and promotions in the classified service of the City shall be made according to qualifications and fitness to be ascertained by examination, which, so far as practicable, shall be competitive as hereinafter provided. No person shall be appointed, reinstated, promoted or discharged from the classified service except as provided by this article and the rules and regulations of the Commission.
(g) Establishing Plan for Temporary Appointments. The regulations regarding temporary appointments are delineated in Section 159.25
(h) Establishing Plan for Emergency Appointments. The regulations regarding emergency appointments are delineated in Section 159.24
(i) Establishing Plan for Transfers. The regulations regarding transfers are delineated in Section 159.26
(Ord. 11599. Passed 7-21-98.)