Signs shall be allowed in the city in accordance with, and only in accordance with Table 9-C, Permitted Signs by District and Type. Additional requirements are given below.
   (a)   The following general conditions shall apply:
      (1)   No sign shall contain information regarding a business, product or service not conducted at or available from the premises at which the sign is located, except for outdoor advertising signs as regulated in Section 1359.11.
      (2)   A sign shall not utilize more than five colors. Black and white shall be considered as colors.
      (3)   A sign shall not be placed in a position that will obstruct or impair vision or interfere with vehicular traffic or in any manner create a hazard or disturbance to health, safety or welfare of the public.
      (4)   On corner lots and through lots in all districts, two signs may be allowed for each dwelling unit or each use, as appropriate, with one sign facing each street.
      (5)   For non-residential buildings in residential districts, the edge of the sign face shall be set back ten feet from the boundary line of the lot on which it is located, provided that a clear area is maintained to a height of six feet, within fifty-five feet of the intersection of two streets, or a railroad right-of- way, or a driveway and a street.
      (6)   For non-residential buildings in commercial districts, wall signs shall be set back from the boundary lines of the lot on which they are located for the same distance required as a setback for a structure located on such lot, provided that wall signs may project into the required setback space eighteen inches.
      (7)   For non-residential buildings in commercial districts, ground signs may be located adjacent to the property line provided that they do not project into the public right-of-way, and further provided that a clear area be maintained to a height of six feet within fifty-five feet of the intersection of two streets, or a railroad right-of-way, or a driveway and a street.
      (8)   For wall signs in D-1, D-2, and D-3 districts, signs may not project into the public right-of-way.
      (9)   For ground signs in D-1, D-2, and D-3 districts, one ground sign shall be permitted to identify a parking lot where no other suitable structure is available to attach a wall sign.
   (b)   Permitted sign locations.
      (1)   No advertising sign, display or device shall be attached to any tree, fence, or utility pole or be painted on, affixed, or otherwise attached to any rock, ledge, or other natural feature.
      (2)   No advertising sign, display or device shall be located so as to obscure any signs displayed by public authority.
      (3)   No advertising sign, display or device shall be so located as to obscure the view of any connecting road or intersection, or be placed in such a way as to obstruct proper sight distance or otherwise interfere with pedestrian or traffic flow.
      (4)   No advertising sign, display or device shall hinder the clear unobstructed view of any approaching or merging traffic, or obscure from view any traffic sign or other official sign.
   (c)   Design requirements and guidelines.
      (1)   Shapes. Simple forms, such as rectangles, squares, ovals or circles are encouraged.
      (2)   Colors. The number of colors used in a sign should be limited to five, unless used in an illustration. To ensure the legibility of the sign, a high degree of contrast between the background and letters is preferable. “Day- glo” colors are prohibited.
      (3)   Letters. Letters shall be neatly formed and properly spaced to be neat and uncluttered. Generally no more than 60 percent of the total sign area shall be occupied by lettering.
   (d)   The following illumination and animation conditions shall apply:
      (1)   A sign may be illuminated but shall not flash, blink, or fluctuate. All direct illumination shall not exceed twenty-five watts per bulb, and shall be in accordance with Section 16 (or other relevant section as revised) of the latest edition of the I.E.S. Lighting Handbook.
      (2)   An illuminated sign shall employ only white lights emitting a light of constant intensity.
      (3)   No sign shall be illuminated by or contain flashing, intermittent, rotating or moving light or lights.
      (4)   Signs illuminated from outside the boundaries of the sign shall not be permitted unless the direct beam or glare is not visible from any abutting right-of-way or any adjacent property.
      (5)   In no event shall an illuminated sign or lighting device be so placed or directed so as to permit the beams and illumination therefrom to be directed or beamed upon a public street, highway, sidewalk or adjacent premises so as to cause glare or reflection that may constitute a traffic hazard or nuisance.
      (6)   No roof signs shall be illuminated after 12:00 midnight except on those places of business which shall remain open after 12:00 midnight, and they shall be extinguished at the time of closing of such business.
      (7)   In the C-1, D-1, D-2, and D-3 districts, a message center sign may be permitted.
      (8)   Neon signs are not permitted in residential districts.
      (9)   Strings of lights shall not be used for the purpose of advertising or attracting attention when not part of a sign.
      (10)   Signs may be animated in the Downtown Zones (D-1, D-2, D-3).
   (e)   Signs in R-5 Zones. There may be erected a sign not to exceed twelve square feet identifying the planned unit development. Such sign shall comply with all other regulations governing height and location in residential zones. If such sign is lighted, the light source shall be internal and shall be approved by the Zoning Administrator or the Planning Commission.
   (f)   Awnings.
      (1)   The sign shall not project above, below, or beyond the awning or hood.
      (2)   The sign shall identify only the name and address of a building or an establishment contained therein.
   (g)   Canopies and Marquees.
      (1)   In commercial districts, an identification sign attached to a canopy or marquee may project across property lines into the public way, provided that such signs are affixed flat to the canopy or marquee or suspended within and below the canopy or marquee’s outer limits, and further provided that:
         A.   No sign affixed to the vertical face of a canopy or marquee shall extend above or below the canopy or marquee limits.
         B.   No other sign shall extend beyond the limits of such marquee or canopy or be supported by such marquee or canopy.
      (2)   Signs on awnings. Signs on awnings shall be exempt from the limitations imposed by this article on the projection of signs across property lines into the public way, provided that any sign located on an awning shall be affixed flat to the surface thereof and shall be non-illuminated. Further, no sign shall extend vertically or horizontally beyond the limits of such awning.
      (3)   Public service signs. Flashing and non-flashing signs giving public service information such as weather, time, temperature, stock averages and the like are permitted in commercial zones.
      (4)   Window signs. In addition to the business signs of a permanent nature authorized under this article, window signs directing attention to a business or profession conducted on the premises, or to a product, service or entertainment sold or offered on such premises, shall be permitted. Any such sign that is painted shall be placed only on the exterior of the window glass.
   (h)   Roof signs. Roof signs shall only be permitted in D-1, D-2, and D-3 districts. All general conditions for a sign permit. Additional requirements are as follows:
      (1)   Only one such sign shall be permitted on any building, provided that such sign may contain two faces.
      (2)   The top of such sign shall not be more than 12 feet above the lowest elevation of the roof.
      (3)   The area of such sign shall not exceed 32 square feet per sign face.
      (4)   Such signs shall be set back a minimum of three feet from the exterior wall of the building on which the sign is located. Where roof parapets exist, a roof sign shall be set back a minimum of three feet from the rear of all roof parapet walls.
      (5)   Roof signs shall have a clear space of a minimum of three feet and a maximum of five feet between the bottom of the sign and the roof below the sign or the top of the parapet wall, whichever is higher. In no event shall the top of such sign be more than 12 feet above the lowest elevation of the roof.
      (6)   All such roof signs shall be designed to withstand a minimum horizontal wind pressure as shown in the following table, applied to the projected specified area, allowing for wind from any direction.
Height From Ground    Wind Pressure
to top of Sign (feet)    (pounds per square feet)
          Solid Signs    Open Signs
Up to 30               25      15
31 through 50            35      25
51 through 99            42      30
100 through 1999         49      35
      (7)   All roof signs shall be designed according to general accepted engineering practice to withstand wind pressure as specified above. The loads shall be distributed to the structural members of the building in such a way that these members will not be overstressed.
      (8)   The seal and certification of a professional engineer or registered architect licensed by the State of West Virginia must be affixed to design specifications for each roof sign submitted with the application. The sign shall be recertified by a licensed professional engineer or registered architect every five years.