921.01 Definitions.
921.02 Use of sewer system essential; compulsory connections.
921.03 Application for sewer service required.
921.04 Use of sewers.
921.05 User's responsibility to keep sewer clean.
921.06 Leaks.
921.07 Right of access.
921.08 Sewer taps only by authorized persons.
921.09 Unauthorized connections prohibited.
921.10 Approval of connections.
921.11 City or Division not liable for damage.
921.12 Interfering with sanitary sewer system.
921.13 Discharging refuse or waste into sanitary sewer system.
921.99 Penalty.
Power to regulate - see W. Va. Code 8-12-5(32)
Sewer improvements - see W. Va. Code 8-17-1 et seq.
Sewer connections - see W. Va. Code 8-18-22
Sewer service charges - see S.U.&P.S. Art. 923
(a) For the purpose of this article the words of the masculine gender shall be deemed and construed to include correlative words of the feminine and neuter genders. The words "owner," "tenant," "occupant," "user," and "person" shall include the plural as well as the singular number unless the context shall otherwise indicate.
The following words or phrases shall severally and respectively mean, include and be defined as follows:
(b) "Division" means the Division of Water Pollution Control.
(c) "City" means the City of Wheeling, West Virginia.
(d) "Nonpolluting wastes or sewage" means nonpolluting wastes or sewage which are not within the definition of pollution as defined in West Virginia Code 20-5A-2.
(e) "Person" includes firms, corporations and associations, including public bodies, as well as natural persons, unless the context shall otherwise indicate.
(f) "Polluting wastes or sewage" means polluting wastes or sewage which are within the definitions of pollution as defined in West Virginia Code 20-5A-2.
(g) "Sewer system" means the complete Municipal sewer system, including the existing sewer system now owned and operated by the City and including the extensions, betterments and improvements to be constructed thereto and including all sanitary sewers, storm sewers, truck sewers, intercepting sewers, relief sewers, all sewer lines, plants for the treatment and disposal of sewage and waste matters, lift stations, all properties, real or personal or intangible, plants, buildings, pipes, lines, machinery, franchises, fixtures and equipment, necessary, appurtenant or incidental to the system, including all facilities of any kind or nature hereafter constructed or acquired by the City and used in the sewer system.
(Ord. 2153. Passed 5-25-54.)
(a) The use of the sewer system of the City is determined and declared to be essential for the protection and preservation of the public health, comfort, safety, economy and general welfare of the inhabitants of the City and of the area served thereby.
(b) The owner, tenant or occupant of each premises, lot, parcel of land or subdivision which abuts on a street, alley or other public way, containing a sewer service, or which, in the judgment of the Division of Water Pollution Control is located within such a distance thereof that sewer service is reasonably available thereto and upon which premises, lot or parcel, a building or other inhabitable structure has been or shall be erected for residential, commercial or industrial use, shall be required to connect the building or structure to the sewer system, or to such part thereof as may from time to time be extended or become available, and shall thereafter refrain from using or cease to use any other method for the several and respective sewer services which are now, or may hereafter become, available as aforesaid; and shall thereafter pay all the charges, fees or rates as herein, or as may hereafter be, provided for. All such connections shall be in accordance with the rules and regulations which shall be adopted from time to time by the Division and such connections shall also be in accordance with the rules and regulations of the City which are now in effect or which may be hereafter adopted.
(Ord. 2153. Passed 5-25-54.)