A.   Public Intoxication And Drinking:
      1.   For the purposes of this subsection, a "state of intoxication" means the condition in which a person is under the influence of any intoxicating, spirituous, vinous or malt liquors, or of any narcotic, to such extent as to deprive the person of his or her full physical or mental power.
      2.   It is unlawful for any person to appear or be upon or in any street, alley, or other public place in the city in a state of intoxication. It is unlawful to use, sell or furnish to another any illegal drug or narcotic in any place in the city except as legally prescribed by a physician. (1983 Code § 10-401)
   B.   Possession Of Low Point Beer By Minors:
      1.   It is unlawful for a minor to be in possession of any low point beer while such person is upon any public street, road or highway or in any public place within the city limits.
      2.   It is unlawful for any parent or guardian of a minor to permit such person to be in possession of low point beer.
      3.   For the purpose of this subsection, "low point beer" shall be as defined in 37 Oklahoma Statutes section 163.2. (1983 Code § 10-402; amd. 2005 Code)
   C.   Intoxicating Liquors; Prohibited Acts: It is unlawful:
      1.   For any person to barter, sell, give away or otherwise furnish to another any intoxicating liquor or beverage of any kind except as permitted by law;
      2.   To have in possession or under control any intoxicating liquor or beverage except as permitted by law, or to transport or in any manner convey from place to place in the city any intoxicating liquor or beverage except as permitted by law;
      3.   To loiter in a place where intoxicating liquor is sold, bartered, given away or otherwise furnished contrary to law; or
      4.   To keep, maintain, aid or abet in keeping or maintaining a place where intoxicating liquor is sold, bartered, given away or otherwise furnished in violation of law. (1983 Code § 10-403)
   D.   Narcotics Prohibited:
      1.   Definition: For the purpose of this subsection, "narcotic" includes marijuana and any "controlled dangerous drug" as defined in 63 Oklahoma Statutes section 2-101.
      2.   Prohibited Acts: It is unlawful for any person:
         a.   To appear or be upon or in any street, alley, place of business, or other public place while under the influence of opium or other narcotic;
         b.   To use, have, or possess opium or other narcotic upon or in any street, alley, place of business, or other public place within the city;
         c.   To use opium or other narcotic in any place within the city except as legally prescribed by a physician licensed to practice in the state;
         d.   To loiter about a place where opium or other narcotic is sold or furnished illegally; or
         e.   To sell or furnish illegally to another person opium or any other narcotic. (1983 Code § 10-404)