   The activities in this section may be conducted within a park pursuant to the following regulations.
   (A)   Aircraft, hot air balloons and parachutes. No park visitor may use any land or body of water within a park as a starting or landing field for aircraft, hot air balloons or parachutes, without first obtaining a permit pursuant to § 93.07.
   (B)   Bicycling. It is unlawful for any park visitor to operate a bicycle except on park designated bikeways and roadways, and except as close to the right-hand side as conditions allow.
   (C)   Boating. With regard to boating, it is unlawful for any park visitor to:
      (1)   Operate any boat, canoe, kayak or other watercraft upon any water, lagoon, lake, pond or wetland within a park except at designated locations;
      (2)   Operate any motorized watercraft upon any water, lagoon, lake, pond or wetland within the city.
   (D)   Camping. It is unlawful for any park visitor to camp in a park except by permit pursuant to § 93.07.
   (E)   Fishing. It is unlawful for any park visitor to fish in a park in violation of any provision of Minn. Stat. Chapter 101, as it may be amended from time to time.
   (F)   Horseback riding. It is unlawful to ride a horse or other animal within any park without first obtaining a permit pursuant to § 93.07, or as part of an organized community event.
   (G)   Meetings, speeches, demonstrations and parades. It is unlawful for any park visitor to conduct public meetings, assemblies, entertainment activities, parades or demonstrations within a park without first obtaining a permit pursuant to § 93.07.
   (H)   Sell, solicit or carry on any business or commercial enterprise or service. It is unlawful to sell, solicit or carry on any business or commercial enterprise or service in a park without first obtaining the appropriate license or permit from the City Council pursuant to §§ 32.15 through 32.20.
   (I)   Special use. No park visitor or group may have special use of any portion or all of a park unless the visitor or group has first reserved the property with the Parks and Recreation Department and obtained a permit pursuant to § 93.07. Unless a special use permit is procured and a reservation is made, use of park property will be on a first come first served basis.
   (J)   Swimming. It is unlawful for any park visitor to wade or swim within a park or use any mattresses, inner tubes or other inflatable devices. No person, except employees of the city in the performance of their duties, may be within the enclosed area of the municipal pool after the pool has been closed for use.
   (K)   Use of loudspeaker. It is unlawful for any park visitor to use any loudspeaker or other amplifying system or device without first obtaining a permit pursuant to § 93.07.
(2001 Code, § 825.11)
   (A)   Permit required. It is unlawful to conduct any activity in a park for which a permit is required by this section without first obtaining a permit from the Parks and Recreation Director, pursuant to this section.
   (B)   Activities for which a permit is required. In addition to the activities stated in this section, the following activities, when conducted in a park, require a permit:
      (1)   Carnivals, circuses, community celebrations, public meetings, assemblies, parades and demonstrations, regardless of the number of participants;
      (2)   A gathering of 50 or more park visitors, including picnics or political gatherings;
      (3)   Contests or exhibitions, including, among other uses or events, those requesting exclusive use or charging admission, regardless of the number of participants;
      (4)   Bringing kegs or barrels of intoxicating or 3.2% malt liquors into a park. Applicants must first obtain the appropriate license from the City Council pursuant to §§ 112.01 through 112.06;
      (5)   Bringing intoxicating liquor other than beer into a park. Applicants must first obtain the appropriate license from the City Council pursuant to §§ 112.01 through 112.06;
      (6)   Bringing intoxicating liquors or 3.2% malt liquors into the ice arena or golf course. Applicants must first obtain the appropriate license from the City Council pursuant to §§ 112.01 through 112.06; and
      (7)   Being in or using a park during hours when the park is closed.
   (C)   Granting of permits. The Parks and Recreation Director or the City Manager will issue a permit upon payment of the fee and upon finding that:
      (1)   The proposed activity or use of the park will not unreasonably interfere with or detract from the enjoyment of the park by other park visitors, or disturb residentially zoned properties and park visitors in proximity to the park;
      (2)   For special use permits, the proposed activity or use of the park will not unreasonably interfere with or detract from the promotion of public health, welfare, safety, comfort and recreation;
      (3)   The proposed activity or use is not reasonably anticipated to entice violence, crime or disorderly conduct;
      (4)   The proposed activity will not entail an unusual, extraordinary burden or expense for the city; and
      (5)   The facilities desired have not been reserved for some other use on the day and hour requested in the application.
   (D)   Denial of permits. Within five days after receiving a completed application, the Parks and Recreation Director shall notify an applicant in writing that the application is denied, and state the reasons for denying the permit. Any aggrieved applicant may appeal in writing to the City Manager within five days of mailed notice of the denial. The City Manager will consider the application under the standards set forth in division (C) above, and sustain or overrule the decision of the Parks and Recreation Director within 14 days.
   (E)   Conditions of permit. A permit holder is bound by all parks rules and regulations and all applicable ordinances as if they were fully inserted in the permit. The city may impose any reasonable conditions on a permit that in its discretion will protect the public health, safety, welfare, comfort and recreation in the park. The permit holder is liable for any loss, damage or injury sustained by any park visitor when due to the negligence of the permit holder. Within 24 hours after the expiration of the permit, a permit holder must remove from the park all trash, boxes, papers, cans, garbage and other refuse, and all installations and equipment, and must restore the premises to its condition prior to the permit holder’s use of the park.
   (F)   Non-transferable. A permit under this section may not be transferred to any other person.
   (G)   Designated areas specified in permit. The use for which the permit is granted must only be conducted within the area designated on the permit.
   (H)   Production of permit. Any person claiming to have a permit must produce it for inspection, upon request of any city employee.
   (I)   Revocation. The city has the authority to revoke a permit upon finding a violation of any rule or ordinance, condition imposed on the permit, or upon good cause.
(2001 Code, § 825.13)
   The following rules and regulations govern the presence of domestic animals in a park.
   (A)   Lawful. It is lawful for any park visitor to bring a domestic animal into a park if:
      (1)   The domestic animal is properly licensed;
      (2)   The domestic animal is restrained on an adequate leash no longer than six feet;
      (3)   The domestic animal is a dangerous dog and is properly restrained, pursuant to Chapter 90;
      (4)   Park visitors who bring domestic animals into a park have tools or equipment in their possession that are suitable for the removal of animal fecal material and promptly and effectively remove from the ground or surface of any park and any park facilities all fecal material deposited by the domestic animal under their control or care. Park visitors removing animal wastes from park surfaces shall dispose of it in a sanitary manner, which may include depositing it in any designated waste receptacle located in the park;
      (5)   The domestic animal does not disturb, harass or interfere with any park visitor or any park visitor’s property;
      (6)   The domestic animal is necessary to assist physically or mentally challenged persons; or
      (7)   The domestic animal is a police enforcement animal.
   (B)   Liability. The domestic animal owner who brings the animal to the park is liable for any action taken or damage caused by the animal.
   (C)   Prohibition in certain parks. Except under divisions (A)(6) and (A)(7) above, no domestic animals are permitted within any park building, on any skating rinks, golf courses, swimming pools or athletic fields in the sports complex.
   (D)   Right to prohibit certain animals. The Parks and Recreation Director may prohibit any domestic animal and its owner from a park for violating the rules and regulations of this section or state law.
(2001 Code, § 825.15)