For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
AMBIENT NOISE. The all-encompassing noise associated with a given environment, being either a composite of sounds transmitted by any means from many sources near and far or from a single predominate source.
AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLE. Any of the following vehicles when equipped and identified according to law: a vehicle of a Fire Department; a publicly owned police vehicle or a privately owned vehicle used by a police officer for police work under agreement, express or implied, with the local authority to which he or she is responsible; an ambulance, whether publicly or privately owned; an emergency vehicle of a municipal department or a public service corporation; and any volunteer rescue squad.
DECIBEL (dbA). The unit of sound measured in the “A” weighing scale of a sound level meter, set on slow response, the weighing characteristics of which are specified in the latest revision of Standards on Sound Level Meters of the American National Standards Institute. Use of a properly designed microphone windscreen is permitted.
DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS. The Chief of Police of the City of Weston.
DURATION OF SOUND. Include any continuous, continual, or intermittent sounds transmitted by any means, the interval of silence between which does not exceed ten minutes.
DWELLING. Any building or structure, or portion thereof, including temporary housing, mobile homes, or recreational trailers, where there are sleeping accommodations, which is wholly or partly used or intended to be used for living or sleeping by human occupation.
EMERGENCY SITUATION. A situation wherein immediate work is necessary to restore property to a safe condition following a public calamity or immediate work is required to protect persons or property from an imminent exposure to danger.
NOISE. One or a group of loud, harsh, non-harmonious sounds, or vibrations that are unpleasant and irritating to the ear.
RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. Any block or area in the city which has 50% or more of its buildings occupied and used for residential or dwelling purposes or any vacant land which has been plotted or laid off for residential subdivision purposes, or which adjoins a residential area.
SILENCE. Absence of any sound or noise.
(Ord. passed 3-2-1981)