(A)   Each candidate for an elective office within the city government, at the time of filing his or her certificate of candidacy and as proof of his or her qualifications for office, shall display to the City Clerk his or her voter’s registration card for the precinct within the city in which he or she resides and, if the candidate is a male person, his or her receipt for capitation tax for the year preceding the filing date, and it shall be the duty of the City Clerk to note upon and initial the certificate of candidacy so as to show the voter’s registration card number and, for a male candidate, the number and year of the capitation tax receipt.
   (B)   In addition to the foregoing requirements, each such candidate shall, upon filing his or her certificate of candidacy, file with the City Clerk a certificate of the County Assessor which certifies that the county assessment records disclose that such candidate is a freeholder in the city and has been assessed for and paid taxes upon real or personal property in the city of at least $100 in value, or other amount deemed appropriate by the Municipal Court.
   (C)   Certificates of candidacy and certificates from the County Assessor, as required by this section, shall be maintained on file by the City Clerk until ten days after the election to which they relate; provided, that certificates of candidates nominated at a primary election shall be held until ten days after the next ensuing general election, and certificates of candidates elected to office shall be held during incumbency in office.
   (D)   Failure of the City Clerk to comply with any applicable provision of this section shall be prima facie evidence of nonfeasance.
(Prior Code, § 9-6)
Charter reference:
   As to qualifications for elective offices, see Charter § 6
Statutory reference:
   Authority to prescribe the qualifications of city officers, see W. Va. Code 8-5-11