(A)   The City Clerk, and two persons appointed by him or her, one from each of the two political parties which cast the largest and second largest number of votes in the city at the last preceding general city election, shall constitute a Board of Ballot Commissioners, of which Board the City Clerk shall be Chairperson.
   (B)   (1)   It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to notify the Chairperson of the respective city executive committees of such two parties at least five days before making such appointments, of the time and place of making such appointments, and if at any time after such notice is given, and before or on the day so fixed for making such appointments, the Chairperson of either of those committees shall designate, in writing, a member of such party as Ballot Commissioner having the qualifications of a voter, he or she shall be appointed. Ballot Commissioners shall be appointed between January 15 and 30 in each year in which a general city election is to be held, for a term of two years beginning on February 1 next ensuing.
      (2)   They shall perform the duties of such Commissioners at all general, special, and primary elections held in the city or any ward thereof during their term of office. A vacancy shall be filled in the same manner as an original appointment, but immediate notice of a vacancy shall, where necessary, be deemed compliance with the five-day notice provision.
(Prior Code, § 9-2)