The following requirements shall apply to screening:
(a) When required, screening shall consist of a planting strip, existing vegetation, a slightly opaque wall or fence, or combination thereof, to the reasonable satisfaction of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Where only vegetative screening is provided, such screening strip shall not be less than twenty (20) feet in depth. Vegetative screening shall consist of a double staggered row of evergreen shrubs planted fifteen (15) feet on center, or a double staggered row of evergreen shrubs planted ten (10) feet on center. Alternate methods of vegetative screening may be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Where a fence or wall is provided, it shall be a minimum of six (6) feet in height and plantings may be required at intervals along such fence or wall.
(b) Screening of parking lots shall not be counted toward the interior landscaping requirement. When screening is required along the frontage of public streets, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall determine if the street tree requirement has been met.
(c) Screening shall be required in the following instances:
(1) Commercial and industrial uses shall be screened from adjacent residential and rural areas districts.
(2) Parking lots consisting of five (5) spaces or more shall be screened from adjacent residential and rural areas districts.
(3) Objectionable features including, but not limited to, the following uses shall be screened from adjacent residential and rural areas districts and public streets:
• Loading areas
• Refuse areas
• Storage yards
• Detention ponds
• Recreational facilities determined to be of objectionable character by the Building and Zoning Inspector other than children's play areas where visibility is necessary or passive recreation areas where visibility is desirable.
(4) The Planning and Zoning Commission may require screening of any use, or portion thereof, upon determination that the use would otherwise have a negative visual impact on a property listed on the Historic Landmarks Register. (Ord. 22-089. Passed 12-5-22.)
This Landscaping Standards Section applies to all zoning districts.
(a) Landscape Credits: The reservation of an existing healthy tree shall continue an in- kind credit toward meeting the landscape requirements of this chapter. A credit shall be granted per tree that contributes to and satisfies similarly the intent of a particular section of this chapter. The following credits shall be granted for an existing tree as follows:
(1) For each preserved deciduous tree over four (4) inches but less than eight (8) inches DBH (diameter at breast height), a credit for three (3) deciduous trees shall be granted.
(2) For each preserved deciduous tree over eight (8) inches but less than twelve (12) inches DBH, a credit for four (4) deciduous trees shall be granted.
(3) For each preserved deciduous tree over twelve (12) inches DBH, a credit for five (5) deciduous trees shall be granted. The Building and Zoning Inspector may grant larger credits for trees over twelve (12) inches DBH upon request.
(4) For each preserved evergreen tree over six (6) feet tall but less than ten (10) feet tall shall be granted credit for two (2) evergreen trees.
(5) For each preserved evergreen tree over ten (10) feet tall, there shall be granted credit for three (3) evergreen trees. The Building and Zoning Inspector may grant larger credits for evergreen trees over ten (10) feet tall upon request.
(b) Tree Conservation: If preserving the natural landscape is chosen, prior to construction on or removal of trees from a wooded area, the following standards apply.
(1) Provide a Tree Conservation Plan outlining strategies for retaining, protecting, and replanting trees on a site. (The Ohio Department of Natural Resources can provide guidance.)
(2) Prepare a Tree Conservation Map that outlines existing tree cover, priority protection areas, proposed grading, and proposed protective devices.
(3) Within the designated conservation areas, no trees with a DBH in excess of six (6) inches or evergreens eight (8) feet or more in height shall be removed from any lot unless trees are:
A. Within the building site pad;
B. Within fifteen (15) feet of the perimeter of the primary structure or accessory structures;
C. Between the front of the primary structure and the interior roadway of the subdivision; and/or
D. Required to be removed in order to comply with safety requirements of any governmental agency.
(4) Tree retention areas shall be a minimum of thirty-five (35) feet wide and minimum contiguous area of ten thousand (10,000) square feet.
(5) A builder who violates the Tree Conservation Plan once established and improperly removes trees shall be required to reestablish such trees consistent with the trees removed. For example, if a six-inch (6") DBH tree is removed, the builder may reestablish such tree by installing three (3) two-inch (2") DBH trees or two (2) three-inch (3") DBH trees to total the DBH of the tree removed.
(c) Specimen Tree: Prior to construction around a specimen tree in a tree conservation area, the following standards apply:
(1) Install highly visible (orange) construction fencing around the tree a minimum of twice the radius of the drip-line tree.
(2) Avoid injuring roots with installing anchoring posts for fencing.
(3) Signs should be posted clearly identifying the plant protection zone.
(4) If a portion greater than thirty percent (30%) of the area within the drip-line is unavoidably impacted, applicant shall install a root aeration system, tree well, retaining wall, or raised boardwalk as appropriate permanent protection. (Ord. 22-089. Passed 12-5-22.)
(a) Installation. Landscaping plans and the improvements identified therein meeting the requirements of this Zoning Ordinance shall be completely installed no later than six (6) months subsequent to the date of issuance of a building permit. A single three (3) month extension may be granted by the Planning and Zoning Commission upon request of the applicant upon demonstration that such extension is warranted because of adverse weather conditions or unavailability of approved landscaping material. All landscaping material shall be installed in a sound, professional manner and according to accepted landscaping and planting procedures.
(b) Maintenance. All landscaping material shall be maintained in proper and healthful condition. Property owners shall maintain landscaped areas in a proper, neat and orderly appearance, and free from refuse and debris. The Planning and Zoning Commission may call upon professionals from the public or private sectors to prepare a determination, the cost of which is to be borne by the applicant/owner as to the quality of maintenance undertaken by the applicant/owner and to forward a recommendation as to actions necessary to ensure compliance with this chapter. Upon issuance of a citation, corrective action shall be completed within sixty (60) days unless the Planning and Zoning Commission determines that weather constraints require one (1) additional sixty (60) day period. Failure to meet the requirements of this section shall constitute violation of the Zoning Ordinance and enforcement and penalty requirements shall apply.
(c) Dead or Diseased Trees. It shall be unlawful for any property owner to maintain or permit to stand on his or her property, dead, diseased, damaged or alive, trees, shrubs, evergreen or other plants which are deemed by the Planning and Zoning Commission to be a menace to the public peace, health, and safety.
(Ord. 22-089. Passed 12-5-22.)