   No person, either as owner, lessee, manager, officer or agent, or in any other capacity, shall give, conduct, produce, present or offer for gain or profit any public outdoor show without first securing from the Mayor a license for that purpose and paying therefor a fee as follows: $20 for each installation, payable by the owner-operator plus $10 per unit annually for all over five units.
(Prior Code, § 870.02)
   Each outdoor public show shall comply with the following performance standards as a condition precedent to obtaining the license provided for in § 115.02.
   (A)   No operations of such public outdoor show shall be conducted within 100 feet of any residence.
   (B)   A game played for money or anything of value is prohibited as a part of the operation of such public outdoor show.
   (C)   Every person, whether the owner, lessee, manager, officer, agent or employee of the public outdoor show, or who is connected therewith in any other capacity, shall be of good reputation and high moral character.
   (D)   An applicant for the license provided for in § 115.02 shall post a cash bond of $500 as surety for the compliance of such public outdoor show, or any person connected therewith, with the provisions of this chapter. If such provisions are complied with, such bond shall be returned to the applicant no later than five days after the cessation of the operations of the public outdoor show. However, upon the violation of any provision of this chapter, the Mayor shall order such bond to be forfeited and credited to the General Fund of the village.
(Prior Code, § 870.03)
   Each license issued under the provisions of this chapter shall authorize the applicant to operate a public outdoor show at the place thereon described for seven days, commencing on the day after the date of its issuance and no longer, subject to revocation or cancellation for noncompliance with any of the provisions of this chapter, these codified ordinances or the laws of the state. No more than one license shall be issued to any one public outdoor show or applicant in any year.
(Prior Code, § 870.04)
§ 115.05 EXCEPTION.
   Nothing contained in this chapter shall be deemed to regulate a public outdoor show operated by a charitable organization upon a lot owned by a charitable organization.
(Prior Code, § 870.05)
§ 115.99 PENALTY.
   Whoever violates any of the provisions of this chapter shall be fined not more than $100. A separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.
(Prior Code, § 870.99)