§ 154.021 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ACCESSORY USE OR STRUCTURE. A use or structure incidental and subordinate to the principal use and/or structure on the lot and serving a purpose customarily incidental and subordinate to the use of the principal building.
   ADULT ENTERTAINMENT FACILITY. A facility having a significant portion of its function as adult entertainment which includes the following listed categories.
      (1)   ADULT BOOK/VIDEO STORE. An establishment having as a substantial or significant portion of its stock in trade, books, magazines, periodicals and/or video tapes which are distinguished or characterized by their emphasis on matter depicting or relating to “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas”, as herein defined, or an establishment with a segment or section devoted primarily to the sale or display of such material.
         (a)   Any establishment involved in the sale of services or products characterized by the exposure or presentation of “specified anatomical areas” or physical contact of live males or females, and which is characterized by salacious conduct appealing to prurient interest for the observation or participation in by patrons.
         (b)   Services or products included within the scope of adult entertainment business are photography, dancing, reading, massage and similar functions which utilize activities as specified above.
      (3)   ADULT MINI-MOTION PICTURE THEATER. A facility with a capacity for less than 50 persons, used for presenting material distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas”, for observation by patrons therein.
      (4)   ADULT MOTION PICTURE THEATER. A facility with a capacity of 50 or more persons, used for presenting material distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing, or relating to “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas”, for observation by patrons therein.
      (5)   ADULT PARAPHERNALIA STORE. An establishment having as a substantial or significant portion of its stock in trade, mechanical and/or non-mechanical devices which are distinguished or characterized by their intended use for sexual arousal and/or massage of “specific anatomical areas”, as herein defined, or an establishment with a segment or section devoted to the sale or display of such devices.
         (a)   Any establishment having a fixed place of business where massages are administered for pay.
         (b)   This definition shall not be construed to include a hospital, nursing home, medical clinic or the office of a physician, surgeon, chiropractor, osteopath or physical therapist duly licensed by the State of Ohio, nor barber shops or beauty salons in which massages are administered only to the scalp, the face, the neck or the shoulder.
   AGRICULTURE. Shall be interpreted the same as defined and used in R.C. Chapter 519, § 519.01; provided however, that as used in these zoning regulations, AGRICULTURE shall not include:
      (1)   The keeping, caring and harboring of household pets, not exceeding a total of six such pets; or
      (2)   The cultivating of land for a household garden, the harvest from which is to be utilized solely for the personal consumption of the residents, or immediate family thereof, of the lot or land upon which the garden is located and not otherwise sold or commercially distributed.
   ALTERATIONS. Any change in the supporting members (bearing wall, beams, columns, girders and the like) of a building or structure; or movement of a building or structure from one location to another.
   AUTOMOBILE REPAIR STATION. A building, lot, or both, in or upon which the business of general motor vehicle repair and service is conducted, to include engine rebuilding, rebuilding or reconditioning of motor vehicles, body repair, and painting and undercoating of automobiles, but excluding a junk yard as defined in this chapter.
   AUTOMOBILE SALES OR RENTAL. A building, lot, or both used for the display, sale, or rental of new or used motor vehicles in operable condition and where repair service is incidental.
      (1)   A building, lot, or both, having pumps and underground storage tanks at which fuels, oils or accessories for the use of motor vehicles are dispensed, sold, or offered for retail sale, and where mechanical repair service may be incidental to the dispensing of such items.
      (2)   The storage of junk or inoperable vehicles shall not be included in this definition.
   BASE FLOOD ELEVATION. The elevation above sea level of the 100-year flood as shown in the Flood Insurance Study, Preble County, Ohio.
   BASEMENT. Floor space in a building partially or wholly underground, but having more than one-half of its clear floor-to-ceiling height below the average grade of the adjoining ground. (See Illustration.)
   BEDROOM. A separate room within a dwelling unit for sleeping purposes containing a minimum of 80 square feet of habitable floor area.
   BUILDING. Any structure having a roof supported by poles, columns, or walls which is designed for the shelter, support or enclosure of persons, animals, chattels or property of any kind.
   BUILDING HEIGHT. The vertical distance from the average elevation of the finished grade at the front of the building to:
      (1)   The highest point of a flat roof;
      (2)   The deck line of a mansard roof;
      (3)   The average height between the eaves and ridge for gable, hip and gambrel roofs; or
      (4)   The average height between high and low points for a shed roof.
   CEMETERY. Land used or intended to be used for the burial of animal or human dead and dedicated for cemetery purposes, including crematories, mausoleums and mortuaries if operated in connection with and within the boundaries of such cemetery.
   CLUB. A premises owned or operated by a person or persons for a civic, social, cultural, religious, literary, political, recreational or like activity, hut not primarily for profit or to render a service which is customarily carried on as a business.
   COMMERCIAL RECREATION FACILITY. Any commercial activity conducted indoors or outdoors which is related to the recreation field, such as bowling alleys, skating rinks, indoor tennis courts, indoor motion picture theaters, drive-in theaters, community swimming pools, miniature golf, driving ranges, golf courses, skiing facilities, country clubs and similar activities.
   COMMON OPEN SPACE. One or more parcels of land, together with the improvements thereon, jointly owned by the landholders of the individual building sites within a development, and for the use and enjoyment of the owners and occupants of the development.
   CONDITIONAL USE. A use permitted within a district other than a permitted principal use, requiring a conditional use permit and approval of the Village Planning Commission after a public hearing. These uses are permitted only after the applicant has followed the procedures outlined in §§ 154.095 through 154.100 of these zoning regulations.
   CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. A permit issued by the Village Planning Commission to allow certain specific developments that would not otherwise be allowed in a particular zoning district. These permits are issued only after the applicant has followed the procedures as stated in §§ 154.095 through 154.100 of these zoning regulations. Development under a conditional use permit differs from a zoning district change in that it is much more specific. The applicant submits plans and conditions exactly or reapplies for a permit before deviating from that plan.
   COURT. An open space which may or may not have direct street access and which is bounded on two or more sides by a single building or a group of related buildings. A COURT is not a yard.
   DAY CARE CENTER. Any premise where child day care is provided for five or more children, other than those of the owner or administrator, with or without compensation. This definition excludes the care of children in places of worship during religious services and programs operated in school buildings by either public schools or non-public schools meeting the standard of public schools.
   DENSITY. A unit of measurement designating the number of dwelling units per acre of land as follows:
      (1)   GROSS DENSITY. The number of dwelling units per acre of the total land to be developed.
      (2)   NET DENSITY. The number of dwelling units per acre of land when the acreage involved includes only the land devoted to individual residential lots or uses and excludes such areas as street right-of-way, common open space and other similar nonresidential uses.
   DISTRICT. A portion of the unincorporated area of the Village of West Alexandria within which certain regulations and requirements, or various combinations thereof, apply uniformly under the provisions of these zoning regulations.
   DRIVE-THROUGH. A business or other establishment so developed that its retail or service character is dependent on providing a driveway approach and/or waiting spaces for motor vehicles so as to serve patrons while in the motor vehicle.
   DWELLING UNIT. One or more rooms designed for or used as a unit to provide complete housekeeping facilities for one individual family with sleeping facilities, permanently installed cooking facilities, and lawfully required sanitary facilities. This definition shall include “modular homes” and “manufactured homes” as defined in these zoning regulations, but specifically excludes “mobile homes” as defined in these zoning regulations.
   DWELLING, SINGLE-FAMILY. A building consisting of one single dwelling unit on an individual lot, separated from other dwelling units by open space.
   DWELLING, THREE-FAMILY. A building consisting of three dwelling units, including condominiums, which may be either attached side-by side or one above the other. Each unit shall have a separate entrance.
   DWELLING, TWO-FAMILY. A building consisting of two dwelling units, including condominiums, which may be either attached side-by side or one above the other. Each unit shall have a separate entrance.
   DWELLING, MULTIPLE-FAMILY. A building consisting of three or more dwelling units, including condominiums, townhouses, quadruplexes, and garden apartments with varying arrangements of entrances and party walls.
   EASEMENT. Authorization by a property owner for use by another for a specified purpose, of any designated part of his or her property.
   ERECTION. The acts of building, construction, altering, reconstructing, moving upon, or any physical operations on the premises which are required for construction. Excavation, fill, drainage and the like shall be considered a part of ERECTION.
   ESSENTIAL SERVICES. The erection, construction, reconstruction, change, alteration, maintenance, removal or use of any underground or overhead equipment including towers, poles, wires, mains, drains, sewers, pipes, conduits, cables, signals, hydrants or other similar accessories by any public utility or governmental agency for the purpose of furnishing adequate supply, transmission, distribution, collection, or disposal of gas, electric, water, steam, or communication service to the public in order to maintain the public health, safety and welfare.
   EXCAVATION. The act of digging, hollowing out or any other breaking of ground resulting in a total quantity of more than 100 cubic yards of material or a vertical depth of more than four feet. Common household gardening and ground care, or plowing of ground for agricultural purposes, shall be excepted from this definition.
   FAMILY. An individual; two or more persons related by blood, marriage or adoption living together as a single housekeeping unit in a dwelling unit or a mobile home; or a group of individuals, who need not be related, living together as a single housekeeping unit in a dwelling unit or a mobile home, provided that a ratio of two persons or less per bedroom within the dwelling unit or mobile home be maintained.
   FEEDLOT. Land and/or buildings used for confining and feeding livestock.
   FENCE. Any free-standing structure, other than part of a building, which encloses or partially encloses any premises and is of sufficient strength and dimensions to prevent straying from within or intrusion from without. Live vegetation shall not be included in this definition.
   FILL. Soil, rock, earth, sand, gravel or any other material exceeding a total of 100 cubic yards and more than four feet in vertical height at its deepest point which may be deposited or placed onto or into the ground.
   FILLING. The act of depositing or dumping of any fill onto or into the ground, except common household gardening and ground care.
   FIRE CHIEF. The Fire Chief of the Village of West Alexandria, Ohio.
   FLOOD PLAIN. That land area of the Village of West Alexandria which is subject to inundation by the 100-year flood as determined by the Flood Insurance Study, Preble County, Ohio prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. (See Illustration.)
   FLOODWAY. The portion of the regulatory flood plain which is required to carry and discharge the flood waters of the 100-year flood without obstruction as designated in the Flood Insurance Study, Preble County, Ohio. (See Illustration.)
   FLOODWAY FRINGE. That portion of the regulatory flood plain which serves primarily as a storage area for the flood waters of the 100-year flood as designated in the Flood Insurance Study, Preble County, Ohio. (See Illustration.)
   FLOOR AREA, NONRESIDENTIAL. The sum of the gross horizontal area of all the floors of a nonresidential building measured from the interior faces of the interior walls, excluding stairs, washrooms, elevator shafts, maintenance shafts and similar areas.
   FLOOR AREA, RESIDENTIAL. The sum of the gross horizontal area of all floors of a residential building measured from the interior faces of the exterior walls. FLOOR AREA shall not include breezeways, carports, garages, storage areas with only outside access, porches, unfinished attics or other unheated and/or unfinished areas attached to the dwelling.
   FRONTAGE. The distance between the side lot lines measured along the required front setback line; and in the case of a corner lot where frontage shall be measured along the shortest front lot line. Property lines which abut limited access roads shall not be construed to be included within any calculation of FRONTAGE. (See Illustration.)
   GARAGE, PRIVATE. A detached accessory building or a portion of a main building, intended for the parking or storage of automobiles, recreational vehicles, or boats of the occupants of the premises.
   GARAGE, PUBLIC OR PARKING. A principal or accessory building other than a private garage, intended for the parking or storage of automobiles, recreational vehicles, boats or other vehicles.
   GLARE. Excessively bright illumination.
   GRADE, AVERAGE. The average elevation of the finished surface of the ground at the exterior walls of a building or structure.
   HAZARDOUS MATERIAL. A substance given such meaning by 29 C.F.R. § 1910.1200. Such materials normally require a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) to be prepared by the manufacturer of such substance.
   HOME OCCUPATION. An occupation conducted by a person on the same premises as his or her principal place of residence and is clearly subordinate and incidental to its use for residential purposes.
   JUNK OR INOPERABLE VEHICLE. Shall be in accordance with Village of West Alexandria code of ordinances § 98.07 and R.C. 4513.63.
   JUNK YARD. Any use primarily involved with buying, selling, exchanging, storing, baling, packing, disassembling or handling of waste or scrap materials, including, but not limited to, vehicles, machinery and equipment not in operable condition or parts thereof, and furniture, building materials, metals, paper, rags, rubber tires, and bottles. Such operations conducted entirely within completely enclosed buildings shall not be considered a JUNK YARD. Two or more junk or inoperable vehicles on a lot shall be considered a JUNK YARD.
   KENNEL. Any lot or premises on which four or more domesticated animals more than six months of age are bred, boarded, trained or sold.
   LANDING STRIP, PRIVATE. Any runway, landing strip, or other facility designed or used by any person for the landing, take-off and storage of aircraft on his or her own property principally for his or her own use.
   LOADING SPACE, OFF-STREET. A space or berth located totally outside of any street or alley right-of-way for the temporary parking of a commercial vehicle while loading or unloading merchandise or materials, and which abuts upon a street, alley or other appropriate means of access.
   LOT. A piece or parcel of land occupied or intended to be occupied by a principal building or a group of such buildings and its accessory building and uses, including such open spaces as are required under the provisions of these zoning regulations. Every LOT shall have the minimum required frontage upon a public street.
      (1)   CORNER LOT. A lot abutting upon two or more streets at their intersection, or upon two parts of the same street, and in either case forming an interior angle of 135 degrees or less as measured at the centerline of the road or the interior right-of-way line as applicable. (See Illustration.)
      (2)   INTERIOR LOT. A lot, other than a corner lot, with only one frontage on a public street. (See Illustration.)
      (3)   THROUGH LOT. A lot having frontage on two non-intersecting streets or two approximately perpendicular portions of the same street. (See Illustration.)
   LOT COVERAGE. That percentage of the lot area which, when viewed directly from above, would be covered by the principal and accessory structure or structures, or any part thereof, excluding projecting roof eaves of less than 24 inches.
   LOT LINES. Lines bounding the lot as shown in the accepted plat or survey record. (See Illustration.)
      (1)   FRONT LOT LINE. A lot line which either falls along a street right-of-way line or falls approximately along the center of a road, forming the boundary of a lot. On a corner, lot lines along both streets shall be considered FRONT LOT LINES.
      (2)   REAR LOT LINE. The lot line that is most distant from, and most nearly parallel to, the front lot line. If a rear lot line is less than 15 feet long, or if the lot comes to a point, the rear lot line shall be a line at least 15 feet long, lying wholly within the lot, parallel to, and a maximum distance from the front lot line. In the case of a corner lot, the REAR LOT LINE shall be the lot line opposite the shortest front lot line.
      (3)   SIDE LOT LINE. A lot line which is neither a front lot line nor a rear lot line.
   LOT OF RECORD. A lot which is part of a subdivision, the plat of which has been recorded in the office of the Recorder of Preble County; or a parcel of land to which the deed or land contract was of record as of the effective date of these zoning regulations or any appropriate amendment thereto. (See Illustration.)
   MANUFACTURING. Fabrication, altering, converting, assembling, storing, testing and similar industrial uses.
   MINERAL EXTRACTION OPERATION. Any operation, including accessory buildings, roads or structures, involving the excavation, mining, quarrying, storage, separation, cleaning and/or processing of clay, sand, gravel, limestone, shale or other mineral resource. Such operation shall include all of the land or property that is used or owned in reserve by the person, firm or corporation involved in such operation. Mineral extraction is an interim land use and such operations shall possess a plan for ultimate use of the property.
   MOBILE HOME. A manufactured relocatable residential unit providing complete, independent living facilities for one family including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation and the design and construction of which meets the standards and specifications of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. A MOBILE HOME is not included within the definition of MODULAR HOME or DWELLING UNIT and the removal of running gear shall not exempt a mobile home from this definition.
   MOBILE HOME PARK. Any lot upon which two or more mobile homes are located for residential use, either free of charge or for revenue purposes. A MOBILE HOME PARK shall include any roadway, building, structure, vehicle or enclosure used or intended for use as a part of the facilities of such park.
   MODULAR HOME. A factory-fabricated transportable building consisting of two or more units designed to be assembled into a permanent structure at a building site on a permanent foundation and used for residential purposes by one family, and is built to meet the standards and specifications of the Industrial Unit Standards of the Ohio Building Code.
   NONCONFORMING BUILDING OR STRUCTURE. A building or structure lawfully existing at the time of enactment of these zoning regulations or subsequent amendments, which does not conform to the regulations of the district in which it is situated or other applicable provisions of these zoning regulations.
   NONCONFORMING LOT. A lot lawfully existing at the time of enactment of these zoning regulations or any subsequent amendments which does not conform to the lot area and frontage requirements of the district in which it is located.
   NONCONFORMING USE. A use of land lawfully existing at the time of enactment of these zoning regulations or subsequent amendments, which does not conform to the regulations of the district in which it is situated or other applicable provisions of these zoning regulations.
   OFFICIAL THOROUGHFARE PLAN. The Official Thoroughfare Plan for West Alexandria, Ohio, establishing the official right-of-way width of major streets on file in the office of the Recorder of Preble County, Ohio, together with all amendments thereto subsequently adopted.
      (1)   An area open and unobstructed to the sky which may be on the same lot with a building.
      (2)   The area may include natural environmental features, water areas, swimming pools, tennis courts and other recreational facilities that the Village Planning Commission or Village Council, whichever is applicable, deems permissible. Streets, parking areas, structures for habitation and the like shall not be included.
   OPEN STORAGE. Storing or keeping of chattel not enclosed in a building.
   PARKING SPACE, OFF-STREET. A space located totally outside of any street or alley right-of-way for the parking of an automobile or other vehicle.
   PRINCIPAL BUILDING. A non-agricultural building in which is conducted the main or principal use of the lot on which the building is located; ordinarily the largest building on the lot.
   PRINCIPAL USE. The main use to which the premises are devoted and the main purpose for which the premises exist, ordinarily the use conducted on the first story of the principal building above the basement.
   QUEUE. A line of vehicles waiting for service at a drive-through facility.
   RECREATIONAL VEHICLE. Any motor vehicle, or any other vehicle less than 35 feet in length, designed or intended to be used primarily for short term dwelling or sleeping purposes away from the place of residence of the occupants; and not constituting the principal place of residence of the occupants.
      (1)   Research, development and testing related to such fields as chemical, pharmaceutical, medical, electrical, transportation and engineering.
      (2)   All research, testing and development shall be carried on within entirely enclosed buildings, and no noise, smoke, glare, vibration or odor shall be detected outside such building.
   RESTAURANT, DRIVE-IN. An establishment offering food and beverages which are sold within the building, or to persons while in motor vehicles in an area designated for drive-in service, and may be consumed on or off the premises.
   RESTAURANT, SIT-DOWN. An establishment whose primary function is the offering of food and beverages which are sold and normally consumed within the restaurant building.
   RETAIL. Sale to the ultimate consumer for direct consumption and/or use and not for resale.
      (1)   A strip of land purchased or dedicated for use as a public way.
      (2)   In addition to the roadway, it normally incorporates the curbs, lawn strips, sidewalks, lighting and drainage facilities, and may include special features (required by the topography or treatment) such as grade separation, landscaped areas, viaducts and bridges.
   SEAT. For purposes of determining the number of off-street parking spaces for certain uses, the number of seats is the number of seating units installed or indicated, or each 24 lineal inches of benches, pews or space for loose chairs.
   SCREENING. Structures, fences, or vegetation maintained for the purpose of concealing the area behind such structures or vegetation from view.
   SETBACK LINE. A line parallel to a lot line, street or right-of-way line at any story level of a building which defines the limits of a yard and represents the distance which all or any part of a building or structure is to be set back from the lot line, street, or right-of-way line.
         (a)   An imaginary line parallel to the front lot line extending the full width of the lot, representing the distance which all or any part of any structure or building is to be set back from the front lot line.
         (b)   In the event that the front lot line does not fall along a right-of-way line, then the FRONT SETBACK LINE shall be measured from the existing roadway easement or a line parallel to and 25 feet from the centerline of the street, whichever is greater. (See Illustration.)
      (2)   REAR SETBACK LINE. An imaginary line parallel to any rear lot line representing the distance which all or any part of any principal buildings is to be set back from the rear lot line. (See Illustration.)
      (3)   SIDE SETBACK LINE. An imaginary line parallel to any side lot line representing the distance which all or any part of any principal building is to be set back from the side lot line. (See Illustration.)
      (1)   See §§ 154.535 through 154.551 for sign definitions.
      (2)   BILLBOARD. Any sign or advertisement used as an outdoor display by painting, posting or affixing, on any surface, a picture, emblem, work, figure, numerals, or lettering for the purpose of directing attention to any business, service or product which is not conducted or sold on the lot where such sign is located.
   SPECIFIED ANATOMICAL AREAS. Includes all of the following:
      (1)   Less than completely and opaquely covered human genitals, pubic region, buttock and female breasts below a point immediately above the top of the areola; and/or
      (2)   Human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state even if completely and opaquely covered.
   SPECIFIED SEXUAL ACTIVITIES. Includes all of the following:
      (1)   Human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal;
      (2)   Acts, real or simulated, of human masturbation, sexual intercourse, sodomy, cunnilingus or fellatio; and/or
      (3)   Fondling or other erotic touching of human genitals, pubic region, buttock or female breasts.
   STRUCTURE. Anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires location on the ground or attachment to the ground. Among other things, structures include buildings, mobile homes, walls, fences, swimming pools, tennis courts, signs and billboards.
   SWIMMING POOL. Any artificially constructed pool which contains a depth of water of at least one and one-half feet at any point used or intended to be used for swimming or bathing, including any accessory recreational structures.
   SWIMMING POOL, COMMUNITY. Any swimming pool, other than a private pool, which is the principal use upon a lot and operated with or without a charge for admission.
   SWIMMING POOL, PRIVATE. A swimming pool located on the same lot as the principal use and used or intended to be used without compensation by the residents and guests of a single-family residence, a two-family residence or a motel.
   TELEPHONE ANTENNAS AND EQUIPMENT ON EXISTING STRUCTURES. Telephone exchange equipment boxes, antennas, vaults or structures and/or buildings necessary to house a telephone communications system, but does not include a telephone tower which can be located on an existing structure.
   TELEPHONE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. A communications system, licensed by the Federal Communications Commission and/or the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, including, but not limited to, switching equipment, wires, poles, antennas, conduits and cables as regulated in this title.
   TELEPHONE TOWER. A freestanding, ground-mounted, monopole tower or structure with related antennas erected for the purposes and/or used for transmitting, receiving, or relaying a telephone communications system.
   TEMPORARY USE OR STRUCTURE. A transient, nonpermanent use or structure permitted to exist for a designated period of time during periods of construction of the principal use or structure, or for special events. A TEMPORARY STRUCTURE shall not be intended to be permanently affixed to the ground.
   THOROUGHFARE, STREET or ROAD. The full width between property lines bounding every public way of whatever nature, with a part thereof to be used for access to a property by vehicular traffic and designated as follows.
      (1)   ALLEY. A minor street used primarily for vehicular service access to the back or side of properties abutting on another street.
      (2)   ARTERIAL STREET. A general term denoting a highway primarily for through traffic, carrying heavy loads and large volumes of traffic, usually on a continuous route.
      (3)   COLLECTOR STREET. A thoroughfare, whether within a residential, industrial, commercial or other type of development, which primarily carries traffic from local streets to arterial streets, including the principal entrance and circulation routes within residential subdivisions.
      (4)   CUL-DE-SAC. A local street of relatively short length with one end open to traffic and the other end permanently terminating in a vehicular turn around.
      (5)   DEAD-END STREET. A street temporarily having only one outlet for vehicular traffic and intended to be extended or continued in the future.
      (6)   LOCAL STREET. A street primarily for providing access to residential, commercial or other abutting property.
      (7)   LOOP STREET. A type of local street, each end of which terminates at an intersection with the same arterial or collector street and whose principal radius points of the 180 degree system of turns are not more than 1,000 feet from the arterial or collector street are not normally more than 600 feet from each other.
      (8)   MARGINAL ACCESS STREET. A local or collector street, parallel to and adjacent to an arterial or collector street, providing access to abutting properties and protection from arterial or collector streets. (Also called FRONTAGE STREET.)
   TOWER, RADIO OR TELEVISION. A tower or structure erected for the purpose of and/or used for transmitting, receiving or relaying television or radio services.
   USE. The specific purpose for which land, a structure, or a building is designed, arranged, intended, occupied or maintained.
   VARIANCE. A modification of the strict terms of these zoning regulations where such modifications will not be contrary to the public interest and, where owing to conditions peculiar to the property and not the result of the action of the applicant, a literal enforcement of these zoning regulations would result in unnecessary hardship, or in the case of area variances only, practical difficulties. VARIANCES are granted only after the applicant has followed the procedures as stated in §§ 154.115 through 154.121 of these zoning regulations.
   VETERINARY ANIMAL HOSPITAL OR CLINIC. A place used for the care, grooming, diagnosis and treatment of sick, ailing, infirm or injured animals, and those who are in need of medical or surgical attention. Such use may include overnight accommodations on the premises for treatment, observation and/or recuperation.
   VICINITY MAP. A drawing which sets forth by dimensions or other means the relationship of a property or use to other nearby developments of landmarks and community facilities and services within the Village of West Alexandria in order to better locate and orient the area in question.
   VILLAGE COUNCIL. The Village Council of the Village of West Alexandria, Ohio.
   VILLAGE PLANNING COMMISSION. The Planning Commission of the Village of West Alexandria, Ohio.
   WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM, CENTRAL. A wastewater treatment system approved by the appropriate county, state and/or federal agencies which provides a collection network and a central wastewater treatment facility for a single development, a community or a region.
   WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM, ON-SITE. A septic tank or similar installation on an individual lot which utilizes an aerobic or anaerobic bacteriological process or equally satisfactory process for the treatment of sewage and provides for the proper and safe disposal of the effluent.
   WATER SYSTEM, CENTRAL. A water supply system approved by the appropriate county, state and/or federal agencies which provides a water supply to a single development, a community, or a region.
   WATER SYSTEM, ON-SITE. A well or other similar installation on an individual lot which provides a water supply to any structures or uses upon the lot, subject to the approval of health and sanitation officials having jurisdiction.
   WEST ALEXANDRIA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. A plan establishing the goals, objectives and policies for development within the Village of West Alexandria. It shows the recommended pattern of residential, commercial, industrial, recreational, and open space uses as well as community facilities.
   YARD. An open or unoccupied space other than a court on the same lot with a principal building and unobstructed by buildings or structures from ground to sky except by trees or shrubbery or as otherwise provided herein. The minimum depth of a YARD shall be determined by the setback lines as defined in these zoning regulations. No part of a YARD provided for any building or structure shall be included as a part of any yard required for any other building or structure unless specifically permitted herein.
      (1)   FRONT YARD. An open space extending the full width of the lot between a building or structure and the front lot line, unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward except as hereinafter specified. Minimum depth shall be established by the front setback line or by any other method specified elsewhere in these zoning regulations, as appropriate. (Sec Illustration.)
      (2)   REAR YARD. An open space extending the full width of the lot between a building or structure and the rear lot line, unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward except as hereinafter specified. (See Illustration.)
      (3)   SIDE YARD. An open space extending from the front yard to the rear yard between a building or structure and the nearest side lot line unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward except as hereinafter specified. (See Illustration.)
   ZONING CERTIFICATE. A document issued by the Zoning Inspector certifying that the use of a lot, a structure or a building, and the location of a structure, a building, or a use upon a lot is in conformance with these zoning regulations.
   ZONING INSPECTOR. The Zoning Inspector or his or her authorized representative, appointed by the Village Council of the Village of West Alexandria, Ohio.
   ZONING MAP. The Official Zoning District Map of the Village of West Alexandria, or portion thereof, together with all amendments thereof subsequently adopted.
(Prior Code, § 1242.02) (Ord. 652, passed 11-8-1999)