(A)   Fee schedule and payment. A fee schedule for sign permits shall be established by Village Council. Sign permit fees shall be paid to the Village Fiscal Officer or his or her authorized representative prior to beginning any construction with respect to a sign.
   (B)   Bond for erecting or maintaining signs. Every person engaged in the business of erecting or maintaining signs or outdoor display structures shall file with the village a bond in the sum of $5,000 conditioned on such person holding the village free from all damages or loss on account of the construction or maintenance of any sign.
   (C)   Bond for sign projecting over or into streets. Before a sign permit is granted, the applicant for a permit to erect a display sign suspended over a street or extending into a street beyond the building line shall file with the village a continuing bond in a sum to be fixed by the Building Inspector, executed by the applicant and a surety company. Such bond shall be approved by the Director of Law and conditioned on the faithful observance of the provisions of this chapter and all amendments thereto, and of all laws and ordinances relating to signs and other advertising structures. Such bond shall indemnify and save harmless the village from any and all damages, judgments, costs or expenses that the village may incur or suffer by reason of the granting of such permit. Any person lawfully maintaining a display sign suspended over street or extending into a street beyond the building line at the time of the enactment of this shall, within 60 days after such enactment, comply with all the provisions set forth in this section. A liability insurance policy, issued by an insurance company authorized to do business in the state and conforming to this section, may be permitted in lieu of such bond. A copy of such policy or bond shall be filed with the village.
(Prior Code, § 1288.17) (Ord. 652, passed 11-8-1999)