A.   Purpose: The City of Wellsville understands the need to provide for housing of it's aging population. Providing for senior housing can allow residents to move from their large homes to location central to city services when they can live an active life without burden of property maintenance and housekeeping of large homes. Senior housing also allows the elderly to live close to friends and neighbors who have common interests. The following specific purpose are:
      1.   Facilitate the development of senior housing and complimentary architectural styles throughout the City;
      2.   Encourage innovative planning that results in housing for senior citizens that is compatible with neighborhoods, improves protection of open spaces, coordinates transportation and public facilities, and transportation options;
      3.   Promote an economic arrangement of land use, buildings, circulation systems, open space, and utilities;
   B.   Applicability:
      1.   Specific Plan for senior housing may be initiated for any area within the Residential Single Family (RSF) zone. A Specific Plan designation for senior housing is an overlay zone that applies to any land determined to need.a specific plan to provide needed housing for senior citizens. The provisions of Sections 10-54-5 and 10-54-6 shall also apply to specific plans for senior housing.
      2.   Approval of a Specific Plan for Senior Housing shall be required for development that proposes to change density, setbacks, or area requirements within the RSF zone.
   C.   Modification Of Zone Standards And Design Standards: The City Council may approve modifications or adjustments to the standards in Title 10 for Residential Single Family (RSF) zones and through the Specific Plan Approval process without the need for variances upon finding that all of the following criteria are met:
      1.   The modification or adjustment equally or better meets the intent of the General plan and Land Use Regulations section(s) to be modified;
      2.   The modification or adjustment results in an overall net benefit to the public, e.g., clustering of smaller lots results in a greater variety of housing, greater affordability in housing, more open space or more usable open space, greater protection of natural features, avoidance of natural hazards (e.g., geological hazards or drainage ways), superior architecture, and/or improved transportation planning in new development;
      3.   The senior housing development meets ADA accessibility standards and encourages on-site walking with connections to existing or future public walkways.
      4.   Public improvement standards and engineering design criteria shall not be modified without approved modifications to such standards approved by the City Engineer;
      5.   The architectural design is compatible with the surrounding dwellings;
      6.   Residential densities shall not exceed six (6) dwelling units per gross acre;
      7.   Construction of dwellings shall be one story only with no basement;
      8.   Each dwelling unit is detached or attached to no more than one (1) other unit.
      9.   Each dwelling has an attached two (2) car garage. (Ord. 2019-04, 10-16-2019)