The City shall make findings that all of the following criteria are satisfied when approving or approving with conditions the Specific Plan Overlay. The City shall make findings that the criteria are not satisfied when denying an application:
   A.   General Plan: All relevant provisions of the General plan are met.
   B.   Title 10 And 11 Requirements: All of the land use, development, and design standards contained in Title 10 and 11, except as may be modified in Section 10-54-4 or 10-54-7 for Senior Housing.
   C.   Facilities Plan Compliance: The proposed facilities plan complies with the City's adopted Public Facilities Plan, and the applicable master plans of the service providers in the area.
   D.   Transportation/Circulation: The transportation and circulation plan is multi-modal and complies with the City's adopted Transportation Plan and Cache Valley Transit Authority plan and access and transportation standards or alternative standards as approved. (Ord. 2019-04, 10-16-2019)