A Specific Plan for an area of the City may be initiated and funded by the City Council. If property owners and/or developers desire for the Specific Plan to be completed before authorized and funded by the City Council, the owners/development interests may pay, to the City, funds to produce the Specific Plan by a competitive request for proposals.
   A.   Scope Of Work For A Specific Plan: Specific Plans shall follow the scope of work as described below:
      1.   Information Gathering. A planning professional will meet with an appointed advisory committee to obtain information about the objectives of the study, to gather background information, mapping, and data and to familiarize the planning professional with the study area, it is expected that existing G.I.S. data available from public sources will be used by the planning professional to prepare the Specific Plan. There should be no need for original data collection unless, the Planning Commission determines that significant issues require additional study (ie. traffic study).
      2.   Public Involvement. The Specific Plan planning process shall involve all public and private interests affected by the Specific Plan area. This will often require going beyond the boundaries to solicit broad and open discussion about concerns and planning solutions. The plan shall include a survey of preferences for the possible solutions and concepts being considered.
      3.   Land Analysis. Perform a land analysis to determine the opportunities and constrains for development of the study area and its context. This analysis will include physical, environmental, ownership, economic, and market factors using available data. Municipal service capacities will be considered in the analysis. Upon completion of the land analysis, the planning professional will define, with the owner, the boundaries of the study area.
      4.   Plan Objectives. A narrative shall set forth the goals and objectives of the plan. The objectives shall focus on unique features of the site such as natural resources, economic activity, or desired character and include a description of the character of the proposed village, center or neighborhood and the rationale behind the assumptions and choices made by the planner;
      5.   Concepts. Generate several potential concepts for the development plan. Provide enough detail for adequate evaluation of alternatives. Concepts will include potential land uses, circulation systems, opens space, sustainable design and development, parks, trails, critical lands, and service systems. Recommend a preferred alternative with justifications.
      6.   Site and Context. A map of the area shall include an aerial photo and identify the existing context of the site and the project area;
      7.   Land use diagram. The land use diagram shall indicate the distribution and location of planned land uses including open space and parks, critical lands, natural feature, historic and service systems. Recommend a preferred alternative with justifications.
      8.   Public Facilities Analysis. The plan shall include a detailed analysis of the major components of sanitary sewer, water, and other essential facilities needed to support the land uses and densities described in the plan. The public facilities analysis shall be consistent with the City's Public Facilities Plan.
      9.   Circulation/Transportation Diagram. The circulation diagram shall indicate the proposed street pattern for the plan area, and pedestrian pathways and bikeways consistent with the Transportation System Plan. Design standards and street cross sections shall be included.
      10.   Density. If residential uses are proposed, a narrative shall describe planned residential densities.
      11.   Market Analysis. Specific Plans that include Centers or areas of Neighborhood Commercial within the plan area shall include a market analysis of supportable retail space that verifies demand for commercial uses in these locations. The analysis will include a market delineation, a regional and local economic review, and a retail market evaluation.
      12.   Illustrated Development Plan. Produce a proposed Specific Plan. This plan must include a color illustrated drawing showing building massing, roads with relative widths, outline parking, trails, amenities, preservation areas, and labels to communicate the intent of the a planning professionals plan. A vector based electronic copy of the plan, acceptable by the City, shall be supplied to the City.
      13.   Design and Development Standards. If standards differ from normal City standards, design and development standards shall be included in the plan that meets the purpose of the equivalent City standards and the criteria in Section 10-54-4.
      14.   Architectural Design Standards. Specific area concept plans may include detailed architectural design guidelines consistent with the WellsviHe Style Guide, or the architectural standards in the WellsviHe Land Use Regulations if the Style Guide has not been adopted.
      15.   Special Studies. The City Planning Official, Planning Commission, or City Council may require special studies prepared by qualified professionals and engineers to determine potential traffic, geologic, noise, environmental, natural resource and other impacts, and required mitigation.
      16.   Narrative Letter. A narrative letter shall document compliance with the approval criteria contained in Section 10-54-6;
      17.   Final Document. A planning professional shall provide a final Area Development Plan, compiling recommendations of the planning professional upon review and approval by the City. The Area Deveiopment Plan shall summarize and incorporate the analysis, concepts, and recommended plans. Provide other support text, graphics, data, charts, and diagrams as needed. Plan shall be prepared in color using acceptable digital software and supplied to the City for printing and posting. The plan must of sufficient graphic quality to be used to promote and communicate the Specific Plan to ail interests. (Ord. 2019-04, 10-16-2019)