It is unlawful for any person:
   (A)   Knowingly to sell, deliver or furnish alcoholic beverages to any person under 21 years of age;
   (B)   Who is under the age of 21, to misrepresent his or her age in writing or by presenting documentation of age for the purpose of inducing any person to sell him or her alcoholic beverages;
   (C)   To employ any person under the age of 21 years in the selling or handling of alcoholic beverages;
   (D)   Who is a licensee or an agent or employee thereof to permit any person under 21 years of age to enter into, remain within or loiter about a licensed premises;
   (E)   Knowingly to sell, deliver or furnish alcoholic beverages to an intoxicated person or to any person who has been adjudged insane or mentally deficient;
   (F)   To open a retail container or consume alcoholic beverages on the premises or a retail package store; or for any operator of a retail package store or any person in charge thereof, to permit any person to open a retail container therein or consume alcoholic beverages therein;
   (G)   To transport in any vehicle upon any street, alley or other public way within the town any alcoholic beverage, except in the original container, which shall not have been opened and the seal of which shall not have been broken, and from which the original cap or cork shall not have been removed, unless the opened container be in the trunk or any closed compartment or other container out of public view and out of reach of the driver or any occupant of the vehicle;
   (H)   To drink intoxicating liquor in public or to be intoxicated in a public place; and/or
   (I)   Who is the operator of a café, restaurant, club or any place of recreation, to permit any person to be drunk or intoxicated in such place of business.
(Prior Code, § 3-109) Penalty, see § 111.99