(A)   No retail package store or any other business licensed by this subchapter shall be located or operated at any place, except at locations permitted by the town’s zoning or planning laws.
   (B)   (1)   The location of a retail package store is specifically prohibited within 300 feet from any church property primarily and regularly used for worship services and religious activities, or a public school.
      (2)   However, if any such church or school shall be established within 300 feet of any licensed retail premises after such premises have been licensed, this shall not be a bar to the renewal of such license so long as it has been in continuous force and effect. The distance indicated in this section shall be measured from the nearest property entrance door of the premises of such package store along the street right-of-way line providing the nearest direct route usually traveled by pedestrians between such points.
      (3)   For the purpose of determining measured distance, property situated on the opposite side of the street from such church or school. A license shall not be issued for a location on any block where a school or church is located.
(Prior Code, § 3-105) Penalty, see § 111.99