(A)   Service may be refused to a customer when there remains an unpaid account for service previously provided. The Department shall not be required to provide service to an applicant who uses an alias, trade name, business name or the name of a relative or other person as a devise to escape payment of an unpaid obligation. Utility service shall be denied or discontinued for any person, persons, groups or businesses who have any delinquent account(s) and are a recipient, beneficiary or consumer of commodity, whether or not such account is under another name.
   (B)   A new tenant of a rental property will be denied service, if a service location has a known leak, until the landlord presents proof of repairs.
   (C)   No person, persons, groups or businesses can move from one location with an unpaid bill and have service connected in a new location. If any person has a delinquent account, he or she shall be required to pay the bill in full.
(Ord. passed 7-1-2022)