(A)   Speaking.
      (1)   In all cases, the member who first rises and addresses the chair shall speak first; but when two or more members arise at once, the President shall name the member who is to speak first.
      (2)   No member shall speak more than twice on the same subject or longer than ten minutes at one time without leave, and no member shall speak more than once on the same motion until every member desiring to speak on that motion shall have had an opportunity to do so. Any member, while discussing a question, may read from books, paper or documents any matter pertinent to the subject under consideration. Each member, in speaking, shall avoid personalities and the use of any language of a disrespectful nature.
   (B)   Interruptions. No member shall interrupt another member when speaking.
   (C)   Leaving chambers. No member shall leave the Council Chambers while in session without permission of the presiding officer.
(2003 Code, § 31.05) (Ord. 1937, passed 8-1-1968; Ord. 2020-01, passed 2-6-2020)