311.01 Placing injurious material in street.
311.02 Play streets.
311.03 Toy vehicles on streets.
311.04 Skateboards; roller skates; in-line skates.
311.05 Parades and assemblages.
311.99 Penalty.
See sectional histories for similar State law.
Authority to prohibit littering in streets - see W. Va. Code 8-12-5(3)
Authority to regulate processions or assemblages - see W. Va. Code 17C-2-8(a)(3)
Dropping, leaking loads - see TRAF. 347.04
(a) No person shall throw or deposit upon any street or highway any glass bottle, glass, nails, tacks, wire, cans or any other substance likely to injure any person, animal or vehicle upon such street or highway.
(b) Any person who drops, or permits to be dropped or thrown, upon any street or highway any destructive or injurious material shall immediately remove the same or cause it to be removed.
(c) Any person removing a wrecked or damaged vehicle from a street or highway shall remove any glass or other injurious substance dropped upon the street or highway from such vehicle. (WVaC 17C-14-11)
(d) No person shall throw, place or deposit upon any street or highway any material, article or substance which injures or damages, or is likely to injure or damage, the street or highway.
(a) No person shall use the public streets, highways, alleys, thoroughfares, roads or avenues of the Municipality for the purpose of engaging in or playing any games or athletic activities, except public ways specifically set aside for such purposes.
(b) When authorized signs are erected indicating any street or part thereof as a play street, no person shall drive a vehicle upon any such street or highway or portion thereof except drivers of vehicles having business or whose residence is within such closed area, and then any such driver shall exercise the greatest care in driving upon any such street or highway or portion thereof.
(a) No person shall use a skateboard, roller skates or in-line skates upon any street, roadway or sidewalk in the City.
(b) For a first violation of this section, the skateboard, roller skates or in-line skates shall be confiscated and returned only upon request of the offender, or, in the case of a juvenile, upon request of the parents of the offender.
(c) For a second violation of this section, the offender shall be fined fifty dollars ($50.00), and the skateboard, roller skates or in-line skates shall be confiscated.
(d) For a third or subsequent violation of this section, the offender shall be fined one hundred dollars ($100.00), and the skateboard, roller skates or in-line skates shall be confiscated. (Passed 9-9-97.)
No person, group of persons or organization shall conduct or participate in any parade, assemblage or procession other than a funeral procession upon any street or highway, or block off any street or highway area, without first obtaining a permit from the City Manager.
Applications for such permit shall be made on such forms as may be prescribed and shall contain such information as is reasonably necessary to a fair determination of whether a permit should be issued. Applications shall be filed not less than five days before the time intended for such parade, procession or assemblage.
The permit may be refused or canceled if:
(a) The time, place, size or conduct of the parade including the assembly areas and route of march would unreasonably interfere with the public convenience and safe use of the streets and highways.
(b) The parade would require the diversion of so great a number of police officers to properly police the line of movement, assembly area and areas contiguous thereto so as to deny normal police protection to the Municipality.
(c) The parade route of march or assembly areas would unreasonably interfere with the movement of police vehicles, fire-fighting equipment or ambulance service to other areas of the Municipality.
(d) The parade would unreasonably interfere with another parade for which a permit has been issued.
(e) The information contained in the application is found to be false, misleading or incomplete in any material detail.
(f) An emergency such as a fire or storm would prevent the proper conduct of the parade.
The permit or any order accompanying it may limit or prescribe reasonable conditions, including the hours, the places of assembly and of dispersal, the route of march or travel and the streets, highways or portions thereof which may be used or occupied.