   (a)   In order to facilitate the movement of traffic and to expedite the removal of snow and ice from the streets, motor vehicles shall not be parked on any streets within the Municipality at such times as local conditions indicate that two inches of snow have fallen and there is the prospect of a further snowfall. All cars parked prior to the time weather conditions prohibit parking must be removed by the owners or operators. Any motor vehicle parked in violation of this prohibition shall be removed at the order of the Chief of Police and shall subject the owner or operator to the fine provided in Section 351.99.
   (b)   It shall be the responsibility of the owners or operators of motor vehicles to ascertain whether weather conditions require the removal of their motor vehicles from the streets and to remove all cars parked in violation of subsection (a) hereof.
   (c)   After two inches of snow have fallen and there is a prospect of further snowfall, the Chief of Police shall order the removal of all vehicles parked on the streets in the Municipality which have not been removed by the owners or operators. Such vehicles shall be removed to a vehicle pound and records shall be kept of all such vehicles so removed.
   (d)   Any person violating the provisions of this section with respect to removal of parked motor vehicles shall be subject to the penalty for illegal parking in normally regulated streets. In addition, where a car is towed to a vehicle pound, the car can be recovered only upon payment of the towing charges imposed.
(Ord. 1971-29. Passed 12-6-71.)
   (a)   It is necessary to create parking regulations for residential streets in the Municipality to permit free access at all times for emergency vehicles and others who are using the streets.
(Ord. 1988-30. Passed 9-6-88.)
   (b)   Parking on one side only shall be permitted on the streets designated herein and the Village Manager is hereby directed to erect or cause to be erected proper signage at suitable intervals on each street to designate the no parking areas:
   In the section of the Municipality lying north of Herrick Avenue and east of North Main Street, northeast section on all east and west streets on the north side of the street only except on Clay Street, parking on the north side shall be prohibited from a point 100 feet west of the turnaround to the turnaround and shall be permitted on the south side from a point 100 feet west of the turnaround to the turnaround. On all north and south streets on the west side of the street only.
   In the section of the Municipality lying south of Herrick Avenue and east of South Main Street, southeast section, on all east and west streets with the exception of Dickson and Carpenter Street, between Courtland Street and South Main Street on the north side of the street. On all north and south streets on the east side of the street only. On Courtland Street north of Carpenter Street, parking shall be prohibited on the east side from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on school days and at all times on the east side from the intersection of Herrick Avenue to a point 40 feet south of the north driveway at 127 Courtland Street and at all times on the west side.
   In the section of the Municipality lying north of Herrick Avenue and west of North Main Street, northwest intersection, on all east and west streets, on the south side of the street only. On all north and south streets on the west side of the street only. There shall be no parking on either side of Kelly Street.
   In the section of the Municipality lying south of Herrick Avenue and west of South Main Street, southwest section, on all east and west streets on the south side of the street only. On all north and south streets on the east side of South Mill Street approximately 105 feet from the intersection of West Herrick Avenue to said intersection.
   Parking shall be prohibited on the west side of Barker Street from Taylor Street to Herrick Avenue East.
   Parking on Maple Street, Shiloh Avenue, Industrial Avenue, McCormick Street, Weber Court and Marts Place is prohibited.
   Parking for more than 72 hours continuous shall be prohibited on all residential streets.
(Ord. 1994-44. Passed 3-6-95; Ord. 1995-17. Passed 4-17-95; Ord. 1995-20. Passed 6-5-95; Ord. 1998-17. Passed 7-20-98; Ord. 2010-45. Passed 12-20-10.)
   Upon any street or highway within the business district, bounded on the north by Elm Street; on the east by Mart’s Place-McKinley Street; on the south by Magyar Street; and on the west by Union Street; and in the public square, no person shall park or leave standing any vehicle, whether attended or unattended upon the paved or main traveled part of the street or highway or in the public square between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m.
(Ord. 2004-65. Passed 12-20-04.)
   (a)   No person shall park a motor vehicle not owned by the Village of Wellington in any Village-owned off-street parking lot (excluding Village Parking Lots located in the "Downtown Parking District, as defined and regulated by Section 351.18 of the Codified Ordinances) between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 6:00 a.m., daily. This prohibition shall not apply to any of the following persons:
      (1)   An employee of the Village parking on such a parking lot in connection with the performance of his/her official duties;
      (2)   An emergency services provider parking on such a parking lot in connection with the performance of his/her official duties;
      (3)   An agent, contractor, vendor, or delivery person parking on such a parking lot who is providing goods or services to the Village;
      (4)   Aan individual parking on such a parking lot in connection with an event which the Village has authorized to occur on the premises, in whole or in part, within the hours between 12:00 midnight and 6:00 a.m.
   (b)   The Traffic Control Map and Traffic Control File shall be amended to reflect this section and the Street Department is hereby authorized and directed to place signage in the designated areas in accordance with this section.
(Ord. 2022-22. Passed 6-6-22.)
      (a)    The Downtown District shall be defined as Herrick Avenue West to CSX Railroad crossing, North Main Street to the CSX Railroad crossing, Herrick Avenue East to Barker Street, South Main Street to Magyar Street, Willard Memorial Square, and all of Depot Street.
   (b)   No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle on any street within the Downtown District for more than two consecutive hours between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Monday through Saturday.
   (c)   No person shall park a motor vehicle in any off-street parking area maintained by the Municipality except as follows: the designated parking spaces on the east side of the Depot Street parking lot shall permit parking for no more than eight (8) consecutive hours. The remainder of the designated parking areas in the Depot Street parking lot shall permit not more than seventy-two (72) hours consecutive parking; such spaces shall be used exclusively by standard passenger motor vehicles and small trucks capable of being parked within a single designed space.
   (d)   The parking area east and north of the Methodist Church shall be designated for Church-only parking on Sunday during services. Three spaces south of the Town Hall shall be designated as 15-minute parking spaces. Four spaces east of the "fire station" shall be designated for exclusive use by the fire department on a 24-hour basis. The remainder of the designated parking areas east of the Town Hall and Methodist Church shall permit not more than twenty-four (24) hours consecutive parking.
   (e)   The Taylor Street parking lot shall permit not more than twenty-four (24) hours consecutive parking.
   (f)   The North Main Street Parking Lot shall permit not more than twenty-four (24) hours consecutive parking.
     (g)   The Traffic Control Map and Traffic Control File shall be corrected and amended to reflect this section and the Street Department is hereby authorized and directed to place signage in the designated areas in accordance with this section.
   (h)   Resident Parking Permits for Municipal Lots.
      (1)   An operable, licensed passenger vehicle which is otherwise lawfully parked in an offstreet municipal lot and which bears a designation as a currently permitted vehicle shall be permitted to exceed the time limitations otherwise set forth in this section. For purposes of this paragraph (h), "passenger vehicle" means a self-propelled motor vehicle licensed by the State of Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles as either a non-commercial passenger vehicle or a light non-commercial truck with up to ¾ ton capacity.
      (2)   Any resident may apply to the Finance Director for a permit to park in municipal lots. Issuance of a permit shall be subject to the following terms and conditions:
         I.   Applicant must be a downtown resident of the Village of Wellington; and the Village will allow a maximum of two permits per residence. A downtown resident shall be defined as a resident whose principal residence is located in the following areas:
Herrick Ave. West to CSX RR crossing, North Main Street to CSX RR crossing, Herrick Ave. East to Courtland Street, South Main Street to Park Place and all of Depot Street.
         II.   Permit will be assigned to a specific vehicle only. It may be transferred to a different vehicle with the same owner only by applying to the Finance Director; otherwise, it is not transferable.
         III.   Permits will be issued on a calendar year basis. A nonrefundable fee of $60 per year will be payable in advance, provided that that amount will be prorated by the number of whole months remaining in the current calendar year at the time the application is issued. (e.g., permit issued on June 15 will require a fee of $30 for the balance of that year.)
         IV.   At the time of issuance, the Finance Director will provide a sticker or hangtag which must be in the vehicle and easily visible at the time the vehicle is parked.
         V.   The permit applies to the following municipal lots only:
               •   Depot Street Parking Lot
               •   Courtland Street Parking Lot
               •   Taylor Street Parking Lot
               •   North Main Street Parking Lot
         VI.   The permit does not authorize parking for a specific space. While the Village reserves the right to limit the number of permits issued at any one time, it does not guarantee that spaces will always be available. The Village reserves the right to prohibit or limit any or all parking at municipal lots, as necessary for municipal reasons. The Village also reserves the right to cancel the permit program.
         VII.   Issuance of a permit authorizes municipal lot parking in excess of time limits only; it does not authorize parking which is unlawful for any other reason.
            (Ord. 2018-41. Passed 1-7-19.)
   Whoever violates any provision of this Chapter 351 of the Codified Ordinances, for which no penalty is otherwise provided, is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(Ord. 2022-05. Passed 3-7-22.)