(A)   No person shall store or permit the storage of garbage/rubbish/bulk items on or about their premises, or the premises occupied by them unless such refuse is kept separately in standard trash and garbage containers as defined in this article. All garbage/rubbish containers of any nature whatsoever shall be situated in a non-visible area not visible from the street or highway until placed in an appropriate location for pending garbage/rubbish pick up. Any garbage can enclosure must be operable not to require the sanitation worker to lift the can(s) out of the enclosure.
   (B)   Said containers and other items must be brought to the curb no later than 7:00 a.m. on their scheduled date of pick up. Said containers and other items may be placed no earlier than 5:00 p.m. on the day before pick up and must be removed by 11:00 p.m. on the day of pick up.
('71 Code, § 971.11) (Ord. 210, passed 5-26-69; Am. Ord. 876, passed 8-8-88; Am. Ord. 2130, passed 9-8-20) Penalty, see § 971.99