No person shall, with intent to injure or defraud, procure, make or cause to be made, any pipe, tube, wire or other conductor of gas, water or electric energy and connect the same or cause it to be connected with any main, service pipe or other pipe for conducting or supplying gas or water or any wires or other conductor of electric energy, in such manner as to supply gas, water or electric energy to any lamp, motor, burner, orifice or any other device by or at which gas, water or electric energy is consumed, around or without passing through the meter provided for measuring and registering the quantity of gas, water or electric energy consumed, or in any other manner so as to evade payment therefor, and no person shall, with like intent, injure or alter any gas, water or electric meter or obstruct its action.
('71 Code, § 541.06) Penalty, see § 541.99
Statutory reference:
   For similar provisions, see W. V. Code § 61-3-44