§ 50.121 WATER RATES.
   (A)   Water rates shall be as set forth in the village’s fee schedule, as adopted by reference in § 36.05.
   (B)   Each living unit and business establishment will be charged the base charge regardless of water usage. A home occupation as defined below is exempt from a separate base charge unless it is required by state law to provide water for the public. As used in this division (B), HOME OCCUPATION means any occupation or profession carried on in a residence in the main building on the premises, by a member of the family residing therein, including the following: the practice of medicine; dentistry; engineering; law; factory representative; insurance sales; and real estate brokering. The reference to “a member of the family” in this section is limited to a person or persons who reside on the premises and is related within the first degree of kinship to the owner or principal tenant of the premises. No more than one other person other than the resident member of the family residing on the premises shall be directly employed in the business.
   (C)   Should the bill for any service rendered by the municipal waterworks system remain unpaid after the fifteenth day after the date of the bill, a penalty of 10% of such billing shall be added. If water bills are not paid within such time as is set by Council, the Utility Clerk is authorized to have water service shut off at such premises. If such bill is not paid within 60 days, the Utility Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to certify the delinquent bill, including all penalties, to the County Auditor for collection as and at the same time as other taxes and assessments are collected.
   (D)   Whenever the village is required to turn off water service to any living unit or business establishment because of non-payment of the water bills, transfer of owner or occupancy, or any other reason, there shall be a charge as set forth in the village’s fee schedule, as adopted by reference in § 36.05 for turning such water off and for turning such water back on; except if an owner or occupant is going to be absent from his or her premises for an extended period of time, and requests the village to turn off his or her water, such owner or occupant shall continue to pay the base rate during his or her absence and there will be no charge in that instance for turning his or her water off and turning it back on.
   (E)   The owner of private property which is served by the waterworks system as well as the lessee of the premises shall be liable to the village for all water service to such premises and the payment thereof.
   (F)   This section shall be reviewed every year to determine if the revenues are sufficient to adequately operate the waterworks system.
   (G)   Water charges shall be deposited in the Water Fund.
(Ord. 95-128, passed 5-15-1995; Ord. 95-190, passed 12-4-1995; Ord. 96-175, passed 11-18-1996; Ord. 97-168, passed 11-17-1997; Ord. 98-132, passed 7-6-1998; Ord. 2003-054, passed 10-20-2003; Ord. 2004-007, passed 5-3-2004; Ord. 2004-044, passed 12-20-2004; Ord. 2005-002, passed 1-3-2005; Ord. 2005-024, passed 6-6-2005; Ord. 2008-007, passed 2-4-2008; Ord. 2015-006, passed 3-16-2015; Ord. 2017-024, passed 6-5-2017; Ord. 2017-036, passed 8-7-2017; 2017-066, passed 12-18-2017; Ord. 2018-012, passed 2-20-2018; Ord. 2019-063, passed 12-16-2019)