(a) In general, it shall be the duty of the Historical Commission to collect, arrange and preserve historical material, including books, pamphlets, maps, charts, manuscripts, papers, copies of domestic and foreign archives, paintings, statuary and other objects and materials relating to the history of the Northwest Territory and the City of Wayne; to procure and preserve narratives of the early settlers of such area; to collect material of every description relative to the history, longevity, literature, progress or decay of our Indian tribes; to collect, prepare and display in the museum objects indicative of the life, customs, dress and resources of the early residents of this area; and to publish from time to time source materials and historical studies relative to and illustrative of the history of the area.
(b) The Commission shall have the power, and it is hereby made the duty of all public officials to assist in the performance of this power, to collect from the public offices in the City copies of such records, files, documents, books and papers as are not in current use and are of historical value, in the opinion of the Commission, and the Commission is hereby made the legal custodian of the copies of such records, files, documents, books and papers when collected and transferred to its possession. The Commission shall provide for their classification, arrangement and indexing, so that they may be made available for the use of the public. However, until such time as an historical museum is erected, any Municipal public building, if fireproof and having suitable arrangements for keeping such publications, records, files, documents, etc., so that in the opinion of the Commission they can be safely stored, may be used for the storage of such materials. A list thereof shall be furnished the Commission and shall be kept on record in its office. A copy of the findings of the Commission that such depository is safe shall be made a part of the official records of the Commission.
(c) The Secretary of the Commission and of the museum shall contribute and/or exchange such publications with domestic and foreign states, governments and institutions under such rules and regulations as are established by the Commission.
(d) The Commission shall have the power, with the consent of Council, to accept donations of money, personal property or real state for historical purposes, such donations to vest in the City, subject to the control of the Commission, in accordance with the deed, devise, bequest or grant of such property. Gifts of money shall be deposited in special accounts by the City Treasurer from which disbursements shall be made by resolution of the Commission, subject to the concurrence of Council, only in accordance with the terms of the instruments making such gifts.
(e) The Commission shall make and submit to Council, semiannually, a report of the general activities, operation and condition of the Historical Museum for the preceding six months.
(f) The Commission shall, from time to time, as occasion requires, either in the semiannual report, or at any time deemed necessary by the Commission, advise Council, in writing, on all matters necessary and proper for and pertaining to the proper operation of the Historical Museum and any Historical Museum building which may be erected according to law for handling the historical materials.
(g) The Commission shall present to the City Manager, at least two weeks before the time set by the City Charter (February 15) for the City Manager to submit to Council the complete itemized budget for the ensuing fiscal year, a written budget showing the following:
(1) Estimates of all proposed expenditures for the Historical Commission, showing the expenditures for corresponding items for the last preceding fiscal year; and
(2) The amount necessary to be raised the next fiscal year for the following:
A. Any Historical Museum bond sinking fund; and
B. Any Historical Museum bond interest to be paid.
(Ord. 8. Passed 7-16-63.)