TITLE TEN - Boards, Commissions and Authorities
Chap. 260. Planning Commission.
Chap. 262. Board of Zoning Appeals.
Chap. 264. Board of Review.
Chap. 265. Municipal Civil Infractions Bureau.
Chap. 266. Personnel Board.
Chap. 268. Retirement System Board of Trustees.
Chap. 270. Recreation Advisory Board. (Repealed)
Chap. 272. Downtown Development Authority.
Chap. 273. Public Housing Authority. (Repealed)
Chap. 274. Library Board.
Chap. 276. Housing Commission.
Chap. 278. Human Relations Commission.(Repealed)
Chap. 280. Festival Commission. (Repealed)
Chap. 282. Commission on Aging.
Chap. 284. Local Officers Compensation Commission.
Chap. 286. City Historical Commission.
Chap. 287. Cable Commission.
Chap. 288. Cemetery Committee.
Chap. 290. Boards of Building Appeals.
Chap. 291. Residential Dwelling Board of Appeals.
Chap. 292. Boards of Examiners.
Chap. 294. Board of Canvassers.
Chap. 296. Board of Health.
Chap. 297. Parks and Recreation Foundation. (Repealed)