The Personnel Board shall be composed of three members who must be electors and taxpayers of the City of Wayne and who may not hold any other City position, elective or appointive.
(a) The Board shall be selected in the following manner: One member shall be selected by the City Council. One member shall be elected in a secret ballot by the members of the City service occupying positions which will be included in the classified service, provided, that such member to be elected must receive a majority of all votes cast by the employees. If no person receives a majority of such votes, a run off election will be held in which the employees shall cast their preference as between the two persons receiving the highest number of votes in the original election. The third member of the Board shall be selected by the other two.
(b) The terms of office of the members of the Board in existence in the Village of Wayne at the date of adoption of this Charter shall continue until expiration of term and until their successors are selected and qualified. Such successor members of the Personnel Board shall be selected to serve for three years or until their successors have been selected and have qualified.
(c) The City Council may, by an affirmative vote of at least four members, remove any member of the Board upon stating in writing the reasons for removal and after allowing him an opportunity to be heard in his own defense at a public hearing called for that purpose. The reasons for said removal must be presented to the member at least ten days before the public hearing is held.
(d) Any vacancy created by expiration of term, resignation, death or dismissal shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term in the same manner as the membership vacated had been previously filled.
(e) Members of the Board shall each receive ten dollars compensation for every meeting attended provided that the maximum compensation each member can receive is one hundred and twenty dollars per full year in office.
(f) Members shall not hold any other public office or serve on any political committee or take part in the management of any political campaign.
(g) Members of the Board shall qualify by taking the oath of office as required by Section 5.8 of the Charter of the City of Wayne.
(h) The Board shall, at the first meeting following the regular selection of a member as provided in subsection (a) of this section, elect a Chairman to serve for a one year term. Two members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The Board shall determine the order of its business and the conduct of its meetings.
(i) The Personnel Director shall act as Secretary for the Board. He shall be custodian of all records of the Board and shall be the official upon whom all notices, requests for hearing, complaints and other official documents, shall be served or filed. He shall keep the minutes of meetings and records of all proceedings of the Board.
(j) The Board shall meet at regular times specified by its rules, upon call by the Personnel Director, upon call by its Chairman or upon call by any two of its members. All meetings of the Board shall be held at the City Office.